Saddle sore clinic

As part of the Women's Festival of Cycling, we are inviting women to join Cycling UK's FREE online clinics. They will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home and have your questions answered. 

In this class you will learn about all the different contributing factors to soreness "down there". You will be shown different examples of saddles, pressure points, padded pants and cremes. You will have the opportunity to as questions during the event or send them in anonymously beforehand. 

Saddle sore clinic

As part of the Women's Festival of Cycling, we are inviting women to join Cycling UK's FREE online clinics. They will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home and have your questions answered. 

In this class you will learn about all the different contributing factors to soreness "down there". You will be shown different examples of saddles, pressure points, padded pants and cremes. You will have the opportunity to as questions during the event or send them in anonymously beforehand. 

How to fix a puncture

As part of the Women's Festival of Cycling, we are inviting women to join Cycling UK's FREE online beginner bicycle mechanics clinics. They will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home, learn how to fix your bike yourself, and have your questions answered. In all of our classes, you will enter a patient environment in which you will follow along with the tutor. The tutor will make sure that everyone has completed each stage before moving on to the next step. Nobody gets left behind.

How to fix a puncture

As part of the Women's Festival of Cycling, we are inviting women to join Cycling UK's FREE online beginner bicycle mechanics clinics. They will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home, learn how to fix your bike yourself, and have your questions answered. In all of our classes, you will enter a patient environment in which you will follow along with the tutor. The tutor will make sure that everyone has completed each stage before moving on to the next step. Nobody gets left behind.

Yoga for cyclists: Quads and hamstrings

Whether on-road or off-road, whilst cycling, your legs are constantly engaged. The repetitive movements through the legs can lead to tightness and imbalances as we often all have one preferred leg to lead with. 

Session four will focus on the quads and hamstrings, for every cracking descent there’s a challenging climb and thus tight quads muscles and hammies. We’ll focus on flexibility to unravel knotty muscles post ride.



Yoga for cyclists: Hips, hip flexors and glutes

The repetitive nature of pushing power through the pedals in an unusual bent over position towards the handlebars isn’t natural for the body.  This position can commonly cause tightness all around the hip area.

Session 3 will focus on the hips, hip flexors and glutes. As riders we are all too familiar with tight hips and hip associated pain such as ‘sciatica’. We’ll focus on increasing mobility and flexibility to release pain and discomfort whilst cycling.

This should also help reduce the chance of future injuries.

Yoga for cyclists: Shoulders and wrists

As part of the Women’s Festival of Cycling 2021 Cycling UK are offering a series of exciting yoga classes for cyclists of all ages and abilities. This is the second session in our four-part yoga series and focuses on the all-important shoulders and wrists.

Cycling on and off-raid puts pressure and strain through these areas of the body. The more saddle time you get in the more niggles you’re likely to feel, whether that's stiffness and tightness or reduced flexibility.