Level 1 Easy Ride - Suitable for Families

If it's the first Saturday of the month then it's a Level 1 Easy Ride. Please book your place here.

NB This ride level is aimed at inexperienced cyclists, families & people who want a nice gentle ride. 

Almost entirely off-road (away from cars) and flat. Typically on the tracks along the Thames, Jubilee River, Dorney and around Eton. We'll vary the route slightly each month - but the principles are the same.

Tockwith Celebration of Christmas

Celebration of Christmas

We would like to extend a warm welcome for you to join our Celebration of Christmas at Tockwith Church of the Epiphany on Sunday 11th December for our 35th year of celebration..

We start by having lunch at Tockwith village hall (from about 12.00), have our Church celebration at 12.45 lasting about 45 mins before returning to the Hall for the lunch deserts.

Coxwold Annual Cyclists Service

 This service has been held annually since 1927, even through the worst of times, during wars and the coronavirus pandemic. People travel from all parts of the region to honour the past and present cyclists, who have given their lives for our country and to celebrate the freedom of cycling.

It is hoped that the Coxwold village hall will be open for refreshments before the service, with the service at St Michaels Church in Coxwold at 1.30pm. All details to be confirmed.

Teams Wheelers free led ride

Teams Wheelers, a Cycling UK Community Cycling Club, are putting on a free led bike ride in Sheffield, hosted by qualified ride leaders.

Learn how cycling can benefit you and other local people, find out how we set up a club of our own and get inspired to cycle.

Limited bikes available, please bring your own where possible.

All welcome!

Watch again: Adventure on your doorstep - cycling the Great North Trail

In summer 2019 we launched the Great North Trail, an 800-mile off-road route from the Peak District to the north coast of Scotland through some of the most stunning landscapes in Scotland and northern England. On Saturday 13 June, as part of Bike Week 2020, we brought the route to life as a virtual event. You can watch back now to see some of the stunning scenery and find out just how we put together the epic long distance route.

Level 3 Intermediate Ride, e.g. Windsor Great Park

Every 3rd Saturday of the month it's time for a Level 3 Intermediate Ride. Please book your place here

The progression over Easy Explorer is that we add hills, a little more pace and distance. You need to be a reasonably experienced cyclist or have completed 3-4 of our earlier level rides to attempt this. 

We recommend that you carry a spare inner tube, drink, snack and a waterproof jacket.