Bants, Bikes & Being Female: Looking after your lovely bike in winter

Season two of Bants, Bikes and Being Female continues with our group of expert guests discussing everything you need to know to keep riding through the winter.

Winter can be hard on our bikes, but there are tricks and tips that can be implemented so that you don't have to tuck it into hibernation. Look after your bike and you will be able to keep cycling through the winter and for many years to come.

Join our lively panel of regular guests who will show you that just as your chain should never be dry, neither is the topic of bike mechanics!


Webinar: It's safe to cycle - positive perceptions to increase women's cycling

This webinar, with a focus on Northern Ireland, will explore how we can help reduce the perceived fear of cycling on the roads, and what support women need to make more journeys by bike. By deconstructing negative perceptions of cycling safety, talking about confidence building for cycling on the road, and discussing actions we can take in our communities, we can enable more women to cycle on the roads and realise wider economic benefits.

Bants, Bikes and Being Female - Everything you need to know about cycling in winter

It's back! Season two of Bants, Bikes and Being Female kicks off on Friday 13 November with our core group of guests discussing everything you need to know to keep riding through the winter.

Thousands of women started cycling this summer during the sunny confines of lockdown. Now our experts are here to help light the way for anyone wanting to continue in the darker, colder months ahead. From what to wear, to beware of the invisible ice, the return of our panel show is set to be enlightening and entertaining.

This weeks experts: 

World's Biggest Bike Ride

If you’re Pumped Up about cycling like us, you’ll want to take part in the World’s Biggest Bike Ride in September.

It’s all about getting as many people riding as possible across the UK on one day, no matter whether you’re a tot on a balance bike; an energetic worker on an e-bike; or an adventurer on a mountain bikes.

Introducing King Alfred's Way

King Alfred’s Way is the latest long distance off-road bikepacking trail put together by Cycling UK.

Named after the Anglo-Saxon ruler of the ancient kingdom of Wessex, it runs for 350km (220 miles) passing through 10,000 years worth of British history from stone circles, Iron Age hill forts, medieval cathedrals and more – it’s a mash up of adventure and culture that you can do from the comfort of your saddle.

Cycling UK AGM 2020

Due to the ongoing restrictions in place following the coronavirus pandemic, and to protect the health and safety of members, trustees, staff and others the Annual General Meeting will this year be held as a virtual meeting. 


11:00 Ordinary Business

Women's Online Bicycle Mechanic Workshop: How to M-check your bike and do a basic service

Annoying creaks? Wobbly bits? Making sure your bike is roadworthy is not just about comfort it is also important to keep you going while riding. 

The better you look after your bike, the longer it will last, and the safer you will be. 

In this class, you will follow along with Silvi Vargas as she talks through an "M-check" and how to make basic adjustments to your bike. Every bike is different, so you can share your video screen and get live advice about your own bike as you work.

Women's Online Bicycle Mechanic Workshop: How to fix a puncture

Knowing how to fix a puncture is essential for any cyclist. It is the basic knowledge that will get you out of sticky situations yourself, and once you are confident enough to fix your own bike you may even be able to help out others too!

We are inviting women to join our free online bicycle mechanic workshop. Due to social distancing measures it will take place in our "virtual classroom" where you can follow along in the comfort of your own home, learn how to fix your bike yourself, and have all your questions answered.