Cycle Advocacy Network

The Cycle Advocacy Network (CAN) brings together people with a shared interest in creating the conditions that enable more people to cycle, including better infrastructure for cycling and safer roads

Do you want to help get more people cycling? Do you want to share the joy of riding a bike? Do you want to see real change - with separated cycle lanes, safer roads, and shops, offices and homes accessible by bike? So do we!

The CAN resources, events and tools on this page are open to all, and there are specific ways to get involved listed below. If you'd like more detail, please read the Introduction to the Cycle Advocacy Network (PDF) - and join us on the journey to get more people cycling.

Local contacts in the Cycle Advocacy Network

Are you looking to speak up for cycling in your community? Do you want to connect with someone nearby?

This is a map of the local representatives in our growing Cycle Advocacy Network.

If you are interested to find out more about becoming a Local Representative yourself, please email Cycling UK's campaigns officer Connor Cashell or apply online.

Cycle Advocacy Network in the nations

Supporting campaign groups

You may already be part of a local campaign or group, speaking up for cycling in your community, or perhaps you are in the process of starting one up.  The Cycle Advocacy Network can be a resource for you, too.

We are particularly keen to support smaller groups and new starters. Visit the CAN page for Scotland, Wales, England or Northern Ireland to find out more about how your group can partner with us.

Latest campaign actions

ActionSummaryWhere/whoGet involved
Ask your MSs to save the Welsh cycling budgetThe proposed Welsh budget failed to mention cycling, and we’re concerned that the government is about to backpedal on the investment needed. Write to your MSs and ask them to save the cycling budget.WalesSAVE THE CYCLING BUDGET
Waiting to happen - action in memory of Emma Burke NewmanIf you are in Glasgow or know the city please respond to this new campaign in memory of Emma Burke Newman who was killed whilst cycling in Jan 2023. The campaign seeks to make 3 challenging junctions in Glasgow safer.GlasgowMAKE GLASGOW SAFER
Influence your Union to campaign for active travelRead (and be inspired by) Jill's story and then work out how you can use her proposal to the National Education Union as a starting point in your own union or professional body.UK wideKICKSTART YOUR CAMPAIGN
Research and recover lost rights of wayThere are thousands of historical rights of way were recorded incorrectly when councils were compiling their official maps in the 1950s. However, the public’s right to ride on them still exists. It hasn’t just disappeared because they’ve been marked incorrectly on a map. Discover and recover lost rights of way near you.  
Further information
England and WalesFIND THE WAYS