Contact Cycling UK

Four people on touring bikes are cycling on a grassy track in the countryside. They are wearing summery clothes and cycle helmets
Cycling UK staff are based all over the UK. Our head office address is Cycling UK, Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX. The Cycling UK phone line is open Monday to Friday 10am-4pm (excluding bank holidays)
Membership team
All membership enquiries including joining, renewal and logging into the website
Big Bike Revival
Free events and services to enable more people to start cycling
Making cycling e-asier
Free e-cycle hire and skills and confidence sessions to encourage people to use e-cycles for everyday journeys
Members’ Incident Line
For free legal advice after a cycling incident (not available to affiliated individual members)
Media enquiries
For journalists only
If you’re not a journalist, please use our general enquiries number
Campaigns, policy and advocacy team
Cycling UK campaigns, lobbying, policy and statistics
Courses and training
Information and booking of training courses designed to develop skills in leading and cycling instruction
Clubs and groups support
Information and guidance on resources available to cycling groups and clubs
Volunteering team
Information, advice and guidance on resources available for volunteers
Cycle magazine
All enquiries related to Cycle magazine
Business and supplier queries regarding invoicing or payments
Complaints procedure
To make a complaint if you are unhappy with any aspect of our work
Help and support in planning fundraising activities for Cycling UK
Support for employers and landlords