Cycling UK five-year strategy

Two women are cycling on a paved path in a park. They are both riding hybrid bikes. One is wearing black jeans, trainers, a patterned shirt and grey coat. The other is wearing a grey tracksuit and white trainers.
Our five-year strategy, 2024-29, sets out how we aim to create happier, healthier and greener lives through cycling

Read our full 2024-29 strategy – English

Read our full 2024-29 strategy – Welsh

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Shifting the dial on public perceptions

Cycling UK’s aim is to create a society where everyone sees the wellbeing, health and environmental benefits of cycling, even if they don’t cycle themselves. We believe that the only way to build long-term political support for cycling is to produce a groundswell of wider public support. This public support will help to engage and persuade policymakers to be truly answerable to the people who vote for them, about an issue that has the potential to build healthier, happier and greener communities.

That’s why our 10-year strategy will reach beyond the typical cycling enthusiast and engage those who have ‘cross-over’ interests with cycling. People who might rarely – or never – cycle themselves but are keen to tackle climate change or address the physical and mental health challenges we face as a society and as individuals.

To achieve this ambitious, long-term aim of shifting the dial on public perceptions of cycling, we must first strengthen our foundations as a charity. This will be our focus for the next five years – while sowing the seeds for engaging with more and diverse people and communities from 2029-34.

Our vision, mission and purpose

  • Our vision: happier, healthier and greener lives through cycling.
  • Our mission: we enable and inspire people from all backgrounds and abilities to experience cycling’s joys and benefits. We speak up for all who cycle to make sure it’s a safe and easy choice for everyone to travel, explore and have fun. Our charity works with diverse partners to maximise our impact.
  • Our purpose: we improve lives, places and the planet through cycling’s remarkable benefits. We are powered by our heritage and expertise, and the passion of our staff, supporters and volunteers.
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Our strategic objectives 2024-29

We have five ambitious and complementary strategic objectives that will ensure our efforts are focused on the areas that will have the biggest positive impact over the next five years.

  1. Improve perceptions of cycling so that everyone sees the benefits
    We know that cycling is a force for good, there are still many who view cycling less positively. Convincing more people of the many multi-faceted benefits of cycling is a crucial factor in persuading policy makers across the UK to support and invest in cycling.
  2. Boost the number and diversity of people who cycle
    To fully realise cycling’s potential to improve people’s lives, we must increase the number and diversity of people who cycle. That means reducing the barriers that people face, both physical and psychological.
  3. Make cycling an even more positive experience
    We are determined for cycling to be a safe, convenient and enjoyable option for all. Whether it’s a parent doing the school run, someone enjoying long road rides with friends or cycling clubs, or people seeking off-road adventures in wild places, we want to make the UK an even better place for everyone to cycle.
  4. Increase transport choice by enabling and encouraging more people to cycle local journeys
    Cycling can play a vital role in combatting climate change, reducing air pollution and creating more pleasant places to live and spend time – especially if we can enable and inspire more people to cycle for local journeys.
  5. Achieve greater impact by becoming the best possible charity we can be
    We can’t deliver our strategy or ambitions unless we continue to strengthen Cycling UK so we can be the best charity possible. The stronger our foundations, the greater the impact we will have.

Join us on the journey

We can’t achieve our goals alone. We’ve always been part of a wider movement, collaborating and sharing to maximise our impact. We’d love you to join us on the journey to a place where everyone can enjoy happier, healthier and greener lives through cycling.