Unearthing the Tales of the Trails

Join us LIVE on Wednesday 30 June at 7.15pm as we unearth the Tales of the Trails.

Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, this project celebrates the heritage of the communities in Ynysybwl and Clydach Vale while inspiring residents and visitors to explore the local area by bike. We are co-designing a network of trails that tell a story, connecting place, heritage and people.

Evans Cycles Centenary Celebrations

Evans Cycles, the UK specialist bike retailer, has begun celebrations for its centenary - marking 100 years on the British high street - and as part of their plans they are supporting the World’s Biggest Bike Ride.

In order to mark 100 years on the UK high street, the leading bike retailer is attempting to recreate cycling's modal share during its heyday of 1949: estimated at a whopping 37% (more than that in the Netherlands today).

World's Biggest Bike Ride

The World’s Biggest Bike Ride is back for Bike Week!

We calling on everyone to get out on their bikes on the same day, to celebrate how great cycling is, and to show just how big a movement we can create. If we all go out and ride, together we will create the World's Biggest Bike Ride on one day!

It's not about distance or duration, it’s about giving it a go. Any kind of cycle ride counts no matter how far you go or what your motivation is.


Spokes Election Hustings #Holyrood2021

Event by Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, supported by Cycling UK in Scotland

Spokes has campaigned for cycling and wider sustainable transport in Edinburgh and the Lothians for nearly 50 years. They have an active membership of over 1000 people, both old and young, female and male.

Having run Hustings meetings at every election, the trend will continue although for 2021 the event will be hosted online.

Greater Manchester Mayoral Elections - sustainable transport hustings

Sustainable transport hustings for Manchester

Cycling UK is supporting a digital hustings event for candidates in the Greater Manchester mayoral elections. This is your opportunity to question the candidates about their policies for sustainable transport.

The event is being organised by a coalition of groups in Greater Manchester including WalkRide GM, Friends of the Earth, Ramblers, Living Streets, Cycling UK, Unison, Action Vision Zero and the Vision Zero Youth Council.

GoBike Hustings - Holyrood 2021

For the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections the traditional GoBike hustings will take place online, supported by Cycling UK.

Representatives of the various political parties will present their policies for improving provision for wheeling, walking and cycling in Scotland, they will answer our questions and yours, and there will also be an opportunity for them to debate the relevant issues for active travel.

Watch again: Scotland’s Cycling and Sustainable Travel Hustings

Cycling UK in Scotland and Pedal on Parliament hosted Scotland’s Cycling and Sustainable Travel Hustings.

If you didn't manage to join us at the online hustings, you can still watch the event. Wherever you live in Scotland, hear what parties have to say about the role of cycling, walking and public transport in tackling the challenges of the climate emergency and post-pandemic recovery.

South Downs Way

This National Trail is one of the country’s most popular off-road endurance routes, having become the first long-distance bridleway to be designated in Britain in 1972, and listed under Cycling Uk’s great rides.

This trip is not to be under estimated; the elevation gain in 160km is nearly twice of some of our other trips.