Young Riders – skills and practice session BBW 2022

We are offering primary aged children the opportunity to have 2 hours of coaching games and practice in an off road setting.

Just learnt to ride your bike – missed out on Bikeability, not as confident as you would like??

We are offering children the opportunity to have 2 hours of fun, games, challenges, practice and skill building off road.

Small numbers – just 8 participants so more time can be given to each child..

There will be cones, ramps, see saws, up and overs, rumble strips and all manner of silly games.

Manchester Sightseer and AGM

Manchester & District CTC will put on a ride introducing the Manchester Sightseer on

Saturday 14th May 2022. We’ll meet up for a coffee, then have a guided tour along some of

the Manchester Sightseer route, tailoring how far we get to the capabilities of who turns up.

We’ll finish for lunch at a suitable café, then we’ll have our AGM at St Cross Church in

Clayton, starting at 2:30, so you can tell us how much you enjoyed the ride, the company,

and cycling in the city.

Active Travel Hustings - Northern Ireland

Active Travel Hustings - Northern Ireland 

Cycling UK and Sustrans are hosting Northern Ireland's Active Travel Hustings ahead of the Assembly elections 2022.

In Northern Ireland we have the lowest investment across the UK and Ireland in walking, wheeling and cycling. Political will has been shown as the most effective way to get people out of their cars and onto other forms of transport, so what are our candidates and parties promising to do if they make it into government this May?

Tesside Trivets 2nd July 2022


Every three years CYCLING UK organises a “Triennial Veterans Ride” throughout the country and in 2022 TEESSIDE CTC is again hosting an event.

The ride is aimed at cyclists aged 50 years and over. It is not restricted to CYCLING UK members and is opened to all experienced cyclists. This is not a race but an enjoyable challenge. The aim is to complete a 100-mile ride in under 12 (twelve) hours. A 100k (64 mile) ride route is offered as an alternative if you want a shorter ride.

Easy ABC Saturday Morning Ride

Cycling UK Stevenage - Easy ABC Saturday Ride

A 6-mile circuit from Stevenage Cycling Hub in Fairlands Valley Park using the cycleway system and quiet link roads. 

These rides are entry level one - open to all riders with a gentle pace and a social ride. There is no planned stop but these rides are about enjoying the cycling rather than speed and pace.

Free bike hire is available. More information and booking at:

Founder's Run

2022 is our Centenary year as the Fife District Association was inaugurated in 1922.  Our Founder William Browne lived in Burntisland and for many years and a Founder's Run was held in his honour.  Now seems the time to honour William Browne once again 100 years after the Club inauguration.