Ride to Staplefield to see the veteran and classic cars

On Sunday 6 November we'll meet at Rushfield Garden Centre, Poynings at 10.00 to leave at 10.15. We'll ride to Staplefield to see the London to Brighton veteran cars passing through, and the classic cars on the green. We'll stop for lunch at Cuckfield Golf Club cafe. If you prefer, bring a picnic lunch and find a spot nearby.

Contact Dave via the link below if you would like to join us on this ride. 

Ride to Forest Row in East Sussex

PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF DATE: We are now riding on Saturday 26th November. We will set off at 10.00 am from the Proper Cycling and Coffee café in Hassocks and ride to Forest Row in East Sussex for lunch. If you prefer, bring a picnic lunch and find a spot nearby. 

Contact Geraldine via the link below if you would like to join us on this ride. 

Let's get Caerphilly cycling

Caerphilly Cycle Campaign need you and your ideas to help make Caerphilly great for all who want to ride a bike.

Join us at Caerphilly Miners 6.30 pm Thursday 10th November to help create a vision for cycling in Caerphilly so that the whole county can be a place where everyone who wants to can get about by bike.

We want safer more user-friendly cycling routes, both new and existing.

We want to enable all forms of cycling; commuting to work, cycling to school, leisure riding and sports.

We want to improve access for all users to off-road urban routes.

Sparking a Revolution

InfraSisters have run a number of women-led protests rides in Edinburgh, calling for nighttime infrastructure that is safe for women and girls.  We use the hashtag #OurStreetsOurNights across social media.

Our latest will be on Friday 4th November at 7.30pm, leaving from Middle Meadow Walk in Edinburgh.   Fire up yourself and your bike with lights and colour, but without fireworks please!

The protest ride will be a short and slowly paced route around Edinburgh city centre, with marshals managing traffic to keep everyone safe.