Wren Farm Desserts

Cycling UK Louth’s Ride to Wren Farm Desserts

Sunday 13th June 2021.

Chris Owen had mentioned that a brand new Ice Cream Parlour had just opened up at Helsey (half way between Mumby and Hogsthorpe). With the forecast of one of the hottest days of the year it seemed an ideal place to head to for a club lunch.

At the Meridian Leisure Centre along with today’s Ride Leader Tim Newbery; Chris Owen, Rob Cook, Mike Gray and John Ricket were all waiting patiently to begin our summer’s ride. Great to have the company of Lloyd once again too. Apologies had been sent by John Ambler and Reg Bagshaw.

With clear blue skies and the thermometer already registering 14 degrees Celsius it was a (very familiar) route along to Little Cawthorpe and Muckton, taking the ‘Top Road’ to South Thoresby. Always an attractive ride with fine views of the coastal plan even from this modest altitude.

Climbing up to Meagram Top we stopped for a drink and found Alan Hockham lying in wait – literally. The group had now increased to a very respectable total of seven. Continuing downhill we crossed the Great Eau and made our way along Greenfield Lane to Devil’s Square where a right-hand turn would take us to Ailby and the section of Tothby Lane which might hold a record of having the greatest number of potholes in the county!

Arriving in Alford we headed to the ‘Deli’ which we had hoped would be open. Indeed, all the tables and chairs had been set up on the pavement near to Market Place and teas and coffees were duly ordered. Plenty of time for amiable chat and a chance for the staff to summon up the refreshments.

The sun was still shining brightly, temperatures by now a warm 21 degrees Celsius as we headed off southbound for Mawthorpe and Willoughby. Willoughby famous of course for being the birthplace of Captain John Smith who in 1607 became leader of the first permanent settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. John Smith was perhaps better remembered as having an important relationship with the legendary Pocahontas.

At this point Chris would head for home whilst the remaining group continued along the rural, winding lanes through Sloothby, Listoft and finally arriving at Helsey and ‘Wren’s Ice Cream Parlour. Perfect weather, perhaps too perfect as there was a bit of a queue for the ice creams! Never the less, Tim and Mike waited patiently for their ‘just desserts’ (spelling intentional). As soon as the pair had been served, the queue disappeared. Typical. However, the ice creams were delicious and Tim thoroughly enjoyed the scoop of mango and passion fruit. Speaking to the owners, Tim was informed that this new venue (the ‘Barn’ originally designed as a tractor shed) has only been in operation for three weeks and it is hoped to be open into the autumn and winter. The premises will also eventually have a restaurant that will offer hot breakfasts, lunches and carveries.

No break in the brilliant sunshine, temperatures had now climbed further to 23 degrees, so eventually time to move off with Lloyd opting for a return home from Mumby. The remainder would continue on a winding route back to Alford via Cumberworth, Bonthorpe and Farlesthorpe. A little busy on the main road through Alford but we were soon able to make a final stop for refreshments at Woody’s Bar and Restaurant at Woodthorpe. The sun continued to blaze down with today's top temperature, 24 degrees Celsius. A bit hot to sit for too long, Rob bade us farewell whilst teas, coffees and cold drinks were eagerly consumed by the rest.

After a decent break, little wisps of cloud were now gathering and it wouldn’t be too long before the whole sky became clad in a darkening sheet of cloud. Almost threatening rain. Not quite as forecast! Never the less it would make for a very pleasant final leg back into Louth for Tim and Mike as Johh and Alan would make for home separately.

Arriving at the Meridian Leisure Centre one minute behind schedule at 16.01 pm, a little over 44 miles had been covered. Many thanks to all for their company. A splendid day’s ride.
