General election 2024

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Cycling UK is an independent charity and non-party political. The objective of our supporter action is to ensure all prospective Parliamentary candidates pledge their support for cycling in advance of the General Election. Cycling UK is not trying to influence members and supporters to vote in a particular way

Cycling UK has been actively engaging with politicians to advocate for cycling to be a central priority across all political parties in the run-up to the general election.

Take action for cycling

Now we need your help. We're asking you to email your local candidates to ask them to support better transport choices, and specifically to pledge their support for policies to:

  • Increase investment in active travel, ramping up to 10% of the transport budget within five years
  • Produce an integrated transport strategy designed to give people more transport choices
  • Improve the planning system by ensuring all new homes are required to have excellent cycling and walking networks

By championing this cause, we aim to ensure that cycling remains firmly on the political agenda, addressing key issues and advocating for policies that support the growth and accessibility of cycling nationwide.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date about our work in the lead up to the election, and read our full manifesto with our asks for the next government below.


Our general election manifesto