Wednesday Wander to Manby and Louth's Rides Meeting

Wednesday Wander to Manby and Rides Meeting. 25th May 2022.

Thanks to Paul Linder, John Ambler and Alan Hockham for joining Tim at the Cattle Market in Louth for a short Wednesday Wander to Mimi's Mission Cafe in Manby. Chris and Ying Owen would instead enjoy a walk before the scheduled meeting at 12.30 pm.

A rather cloudy, very windy day but at least dry. Our route would take us along Church Lane and the attractive Cowslip Lane to the Louth Navigation. Onwards to the Cockeringtons where we were delighted to meet up with Reg Bagshaw who was in good spirits. Great to see Reg back out on the bike.

A backwind all through Howdales and Saltfleet St Peter but as we turned westbound at Three Bridges it was like riding with the brakes on. Reg was heard to comment "can someone please close the door" such was the strength of the wind. Not long now though to Mimi's Mission Cafe at Manby with fine refreshments on offer.

For Reg a return home, the remainder an onward journey back to Louth via Stewton Lane. Arrived exactly on schedule at 12.30 pm meeting up with Chris and Ying.

Whilst enjoying further refreshments a Tim's and over a slice of delicious Victoria Sponge made by Tracey Wilson (Swaby Tea Rooms) we deliberated on our 'Summer Programme'. Full details to come over the next few days (watch this space) but plenty on offer for everyone to include a Queen's Platinum Jubilee 'Steamy' day out at the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway, a visit to the York Rally, a Summer Picnic at Snipedales, Woodhall Spa's 40's Weekend and rides to meet up with Cycling UK Gainsborough and Cycling UK Lincoln to name a few.



