Swaby 12-10-2022

A Wednesday Wander to Swaby

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Following last Wednesday's gales and rain, a re-scheduled attempt at a ride to Swaby to enjoy some fine refreshments at Tracey's Little Cake Company Tea Room.

Luckily on this occasion sunshine was breaking through the clouds and temperatures were rising steadily after a chilly start to the morning. Meeting up with Tim Newbery at Louth's Meridian Leisure Centre were John Ambler, Reg Bagshaw and Alan Hockham all seemingly refreshed following on from a hilly ride on the Sunday. Apologies had been received from Paul Linder.

Having cycled into Louth, Reg preferred an anti-clockwise route to take us through Little Cawthorpe and Muckton with the steady climb to Meagram Top. There are always good views all the way to the coast from here and the trees and hedgerows were displaying some fine Autumnal colour.

'In the entire circle of the year, there are no days so delightful as those on a fine October. No days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such reverend meekness in the air'. Alexander Smith.

Having descended Long Hedge Lane to the tributary of the Great Eau, at least one rider looked forward to the climb up Pinfold Lane. Short but sharp. Our reward, a warm welcome and fine refreshments provided by Tracey. A choice of baked beans and poached eggs on toast for Alan (Paul would have enjoyed that), sausage sandwiches for Reg and Tim and, of course, a bacon sandwich for John.

On return, Alan opted for the route via South Thoresby to Authorpe whilst the remainder preferred the route via Belleau. We would in the end all meet up together, at exactly the same time, on the Claythorpe Road.

Many thanks to all for the company. About 26 miles covered.
