Lincolnshire Wolds Railway and Cycling UK’s Volunteer Celebrations

Sunday 10th October 2021

A ride to enjoy a ‘steamy’ day out at the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway and also to celebrate the hard work from Cycling UK Louth’s volunteers who contribute to the organisations aim of ‘getting millions more people cycling’.

The previous few days had seen blue skies and well above average temperatures of 21 degrees so it was a little disappointing at first light to be greeted with overcast skies and outbreaks of rain. Never the less, weather forecasters were promising skies to quickly brighten up - although we would have to contend with a brisk northerly wind gusting at over 20 mph.

Meeting up with Tim Newbery at Louth’s Leisure Centre were Alan Hockham, John Rickett and Neil Parnham (great to have you with us Neil). Reg Bagshaw had indicated that he would meet up with us enroute and Chris Owen had arranged to be at the Copper Kettle Café, Grainthorpe. Apologies had been sent by Rob Cook and John Ambler.

Leaving Louth, members would take the low road to the Cockeringtons and along an increasingly muddy and potholed Red Leas Lane. Approaching Pick Hill Lane at a little before 10.00 am, we met up with Reg exactly as scheduled. Good timing Reg!

Saddleback Road would now take us to Skidbrooke and then it was a case of hunkering down into the wind for our journey through Berrygreen, Hallholme and Conisholme.

At least the sun was now beaming down and the group re-formed at Grainthorpe where we met up with Chris. We were surprised to see several groups of cyclists already in residence at the newly opened Copper Kettle Café. Indeed, not long after our arrival we would also be delighted to meet up with members of Louth Cycle Club. Good to see you again Jason! There must have been about 40 cyclists at the café and great service from the staff too. Very cyclists friendly.

Hot drinks and cakes consumed, time to continue northbound through the back roads around Marshchapel and onto Tetney Lock. Two minutes to noon and there was already a queue of cyclists outside the Crown and Anchor waiting for the pub to open. No stopping for us today as we had prior arrangements with the Steaming Kettle Buffet in Ludborough. (Neil would have to wait a little longer for his pint).

Southbound at Tetney and the backwind made for an enjoyable ride to Fulstow and then onto the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway. Great to see the United Steel Companies Ltd. Loco in full steam ready to take a train load of passengers to North Thoresby. This Hunslet Works locomotive was originally built in 1956 for the National Coal Board and has since been lovingly restored and is now in brilliant crimson livery. It’s currently on loan to the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway.

Outside the ‘Steaming Kettle Buffet’ we were also pleased to have met up with Mike Leverton who was also enjoying a day out on the bike with a route to include the Lincolnshire Wolds. A perfect day for all adventures.

Neil, Chris and Mike would bid farewell at Ludborough and Reg too would depart at Covenham. The Louth contingent would make their way back to the Meridian Centre arriving at about 2 pm having covered 37 miles. Many thanks to all.
