
Sunday 7th November 2021.

A flat ride today, to the Copper Kettle Tea Rooms at Grainthorpe.

Weather wise we had been promised a find dry day with plenty of sunshine. It was also set to be a very windy day with the Meteorological Office at RAF Coningsby predicting gusts of up to 32.2 mph (28KT).

Meeting up with Tim Newbery at the Magna Vitae Leisure Centre in Louth were John Ambler, John Rickett and Rob Cook. Reg Bagshaw had arranged to meet up with us at Grimoldby and Alan Hockham at Skidbooke. Apologies had been sent by Neil Parnham.

The route would initially take us along the winding lanes to Stewton and Legbourne Furze. Autumnal sunshine sparkling through the trees, canopies still burdened by richly coloured leaves. The brisk winds at this point making our progress almost effortless. However, as we turned northbound to Manby and Grimoldby we had to dig a little deeper to turn the pedals.

We would soon find Reg waiting for us at the junction of Eastfield lane and it wouldn’t be too long before we would also be greeted by Alan at Howdales. Alan by this time had been riding for many a mile into the energy draining wind and sensibly opted for a return route home at Skidbrooke.

A steady ride through Berrygreen Bridge and Mill Bridge would take the remainder to Conisholme where Rob stopped briefly just in case Tim had succumbed to the temptation of a scoop of ice cream at Appleby's ICP. Surprisingly not on this occasion. Instead, the scheduled break at Grainthorpe where a rest was well deserved and it was super to have met up with Ying and Chris who would join us for refreshments.

Firebeacon Lane would take us to the Louth Navigation where Reg had a ‘sinking feeling’, his saddle unexpectedly lowering as the seat post kept slipping. Several stops and tweaks later all issues were resolved. However just past Covenham Reservoir, John Ambler encountered electronic/computer trouble with his bike which resulted in pedalling on without battery assistance. By this stage John Rickett had headed for home and after an attempt on catching up with John, Rob also made tracks for home.

Near the Greenwich Meridian Trail Reg would bid farewell to Tim and John who returned to Louth at about 2 pm without further mishap. 32 miles (52 km) covered. And for anyone who wondered how windy, local weather reports recorded highest gusts of 33 mph, a fraction above the forecast. Many thanks to all for the company.

