Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour

Cycling UK Louth ride to Farmer Brown’s Ice Cream Parlour. Sunday 11th July 2021

Alan Hockham had kindly volunteered to be today’s Ride Leader and had devised a route that would take us to Theddlethorpe to say hello to Rob Whitworth, then refreshments at Mablethorpe and Farmer Brown’s Ice Cream Parlour.

Meeting up outside the Meridian Leisure Centre with Alan were Rob Cook, John Ambler, John Rickett, Chris Owen and Tim Newbery. Apologies had been sent by Reg Bagshaw and Mike Gray.

The day started fine and bright and depending on the ‘apps’ used, a few showers might be expected in the afternoon. We hoped we’d miss them all! Our route would initially take us along Louth Road to the Cockerington’s, Alan setting a brisk pace. Regrouping it would be a ride increasingly into wind towards Saltfleetby. At this point Alan halted the group for the chance to view All Saint’s Church which (unusually) was open to the public. This church is known locally as the ‘Cathedral of the Marsh’ because of its ornate features but is now sadly looking far from its best. The settlement of Theddlethorpe is mentioned in the Domesday Book as ‘Te(d)lagestorp’, and although the tower is C12 the church nearly all dates to about 1380. The staircase leading to the Rood Loft (the priest would have preached from this point during the Middle Ages) was in darkness so we didn’t attempt to climb up on this occasion. John Ambler spotted an interesting notice that would inform the visitor of the location of the gravestone of ‘Will’ who sadly drowned in a vat of alcohol!

Visit concluded and with some twists and bends in the road we would soon arrive at Mablethorpe Road for the short hop to have a brief chat with Rob Whitworth. Rob looked fine and was in good spirits and was getting ready to cut his lawn before any showers developed.

After a pleasant chat and catch up it would be just a few miles more until our arrival at Sea View Café for a well-deserved snack. Interesting too to have a fellow cyclist sitting at one of the benches - the familiar sight of ‘Penny Farthing’ enthusiast Robert Steadman who lives in Alford. The bike dates to around 1880 and Robert is a ‘Tic Tok’ celebrity for those who follow social media.

Chris would leave us at this point but would end up completing 41 miles on his return. For the rest it was a case of following Alan as he weaved his way along the coast and promenade through Mablethorpe, Trusthorpe and Sutton on Sea. Slow going at times with loose sand and ‘promenaders’ enjoying a day by the seaside. Interesting to see the sea fog and ‘fret’ over the waters occasionally drifting inland which made it feel almost chilly, the breeze now having turned more easterly. Alan proceeded to lead the way to the infamous ‘Acre Gap’ in Old Sutton. This area has battled with the sea over the centuries (notable floods having been recorded several times in the 13th Century which washed away the village completely) it was here back on October 5th 1953 that the sea would breach the defences causing much devastation. Several people were drowned and flood waters reached as far inland as Alford. All that can be seen of the once large ‘gap’ is now a restored gorse and bramble bank.

Heading inland it began to warm up again and so it would be pleasant to sit and enjoy either a hot drink (or a double scoop of ice cream for Tim) at Farmer Brown’s. Chocolate chip and vanilla to anyone who was wondering what flavours.

Having been blessed with spells of brilliant sunshine and clear blue skies, it was now turning more foreboding and showers could be seen in the distance. Rob would opt to explore an alternative route and enjoyed fine views over the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds through Well, Rigsby and South Ormsby, whilst the remainder chose a direct route to Woody’s Bar at Woodthorpe for one final drink.

At Woodthorpe John Rickett declined the offer and headed for home and it wouldn’t be too long before the remaining contingent also pedalled for home.

Arrived back in Louth at 3 pm having covered 39 miles and dodged all the showers. Many thanks to Alan for leading and to all for the company.
