Christmas Meet Up

Cycling UK Louth Christmas Meet up

Sunday 20th December 2020

Just hours before the Winter Solstice, an opportunity for an impromptu meet up in these rather strange times we find ourselves in.

The day had been promised to be fine and dry and with temperatures if anything a shade above the seasonal average.

It would be the last weekend of opening of the season for Watts For Tea at Grainthopre so an ideal opportunity for a socially distanced meet up at the Play Park whilst enjoying the rather fine bacon baps.

With the wind and sunshine on their backs, a fine ride outbound via Keddington and Alvingham for the Louth contingent. North to Yarburgh and by now Reg Bagshaw too was in close pursuit, unbeknown by the members of the Tête de la Course!

King Street would take members to the famed Louth Navigation, looking resplendent in the sunshine and onwards to Watts For Tea at the scheduled time of 10.45 am. Coffee and bacon baps were ordered all paid for by the generosity John Rickett. Many thanks John for the Christmas present.

Just before decamping to the Play Park we were greeted warmly by Reg Bagshaw and Chris Owen. Alan Hockham and Rob Whitworth would soon meet up at the Play Park, Rob sensibly having arrived on four wheels. We were delighted to see Rob looking so well and good too have had a chat with Alan who we hadn't seen for ages.

Sadly Barry Jordan wasn't able to join us and we all wish him well after his recent illness. Here's hoping you can get back home for Christmas Barry!

Following amiable chat and passing on seasons greetings we departed on our separate ways for home. Nice to see Louth Cycle Club members at Watts for Tea as we passed by!

HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all our members and friends.