Cycle Advocacy Network in Northern Ireland

Less than 3% of trips in Northern Ireland are taken by bike, and this figure is not rising. Cycling UK is challenging this by building a Cycle Advocacy Network across the nation with you championing local change

Building cycle campaign groups in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has some of the lowest levels of cycling in Western Europe, and we often hear negative attitudes towards cycling and cycle infrastructure in the media and online, but the reality is that most people here want better, safer cycle infrastructure and more people using a bike to get around. This includes people in your local area!

Cycling UK want to facilitate and build groups across the Northern Ireland who campaign locally to create the conditions that enable more people to cycle.

If you want to be part of a local group who are fighting and campaigning for this, you can find out below where they already exist and where we want to build the network.

You can also sign up to become a local Cycling UK representative to connect with other campaigners across the UK.

To get involved or ask any questions, please email Andrew McClean, our engagement officer for Northern Ireland.

Find a local group or campaign where you are

Are you looking to speak up for cycling in your community? Do you want to connect with someone nearby?

Use this map to find cycle campaign groups and Cycling UK local representatives near you. You can tick the 'Boundaries' layers in the map sidebar to find people within your Assembly constituency.

If you're aware of a campaign group that isn't on the map, please let us know at [email protected] and we'll add it.

Where we want to build networks

Are you looking to speak up for cycling in your community?

We're looking to facilitate the campaigning groups in the following areas:

  • South Belfast - Some individuals but no group
  • East Belfast - Some individuals but no group
  • West Belfast – Some non-cycle specific groups
  • East Antrim – No group
  • Lagan Valley – No group

If you live in any of these areas and want to get involved, please email Andrew McClean, Cycling UK's engagement officer for Northern Ireland.

If your area isn’t currently represented there are still opportunities to get involved where you live.

Cycle Advocacy Network

Cycling UK's Cycle Advocacy Network (CAN) has a range of resources, events and tools that are open to all.

Join us on the journey to get more people cycling.

Find a local group or campaign where you are

You don’t need to be a member of Cycling UK to get involved or start a group, we support any group we can as much as possible regardless of their affiliations.

Groups you can be part of:

North Belfast

Ards and North Down



Belfast/Northern Ireland-wide organisations:

Bikefast, Belfast

Northern Ireland Greenways, NI-wide campaign

Streets4AllNI, NI-wide campaign


Please get in touch if your existing campaign group isn’t mentioned here - we would love to include it.

Current campaigns in Northern Ireland

We want you to take charge of what your group campaigns on, after all, it’s your local area and you have a much better idea of what is needed than we do.
There are currently several issues with some media attention which are good examples of what you can campaign on:

Region Campaign
South Belfast
  • Closure of sections of the Lagan Towpath and cycle detours
  • Cycle infrastructure on and around the Ravenhill Road
  • Cycle infrastructure on the Ormeau Embankment 
East Belfast Montgomery Road proposed cycle path
North Belfast The Limestone/Cavehill Road cycle path
West Belfast Lack of safe cycle infrastructure 

These are very Belfast-focused campaigns, but our goal is to expand to other areas of Northern Ireland, with your involvement.