GPX: Cycling directions to Cycling UK National Office

Ride level Beginner cyclist
Distance 2 mi / 3 km
Type of bicycle Any
Traffic Expect traffic

Cycling directions from Guildford station to Cycling UK head office:


  1. Turn left out of the station and follow the arrows round to leave the car park area.

  2. Road route: turn left onto Walnut Tree Close and follow it as it becomes Woodbridge Meadows.

    River path route: turn right onto Walnut Tree Close and then left at ‘The Billings’ building – you will have to carry your bike down some steps to reach the river path.  Follow the path until it rejoins the road.  (Surface is fine for most bikes, note path is unlit.)

  3. Turn left onto Woodbridge road – this is a busy two-lane road but there is a shared-use pavement if you wish.

  4. Take the first left onto Midleton Industrial Estate road, then left up the ramp onto the Wooden Bridge (this is a no cycling bridge).  Go over the Wooden Bridge and down the ramp straight ahead onto Manor Road.

  5. Continue up Manor Road, straight on at the traffic lights onto Grange Road, then after passing the school turn left onto Grange Court and follow it round.  Go left to the Parklands buildings and you will see Cycling UK.