Cycling UK announces funding to get thousands of people in Scotland cycling with the Big Bike Revival

Big Bike Revival in Edinburgh
The Big Bike Revival is an award-winning programme developed by Cycling UK designed to encourage thousands of people to cycle for every day journeys. Now in its second year in Scotland, the Big Bike Revival will help even more people to bring their bikes back into use by providing bike health checks, sharing maintenance know-how and giving people more confidence in the saddle.

This year the Big Bike Revival in Scotland will be partnered by 100 community groups and bicycle recycling centres across the country, aiming to reach thousands of people to encourage them to get cycling again and to replace short car journeys with the bike. In 2016, around 8,000 people participated across the nation; this year events will run from 1 May to 11 June to encourage even more people to cycle for everyday trips.

Big Bike Revival events and activities will take place across every local authority in Scotland and will include led rides, puncture repair workshops, basic bike maintenance, cycle health checks, cycle skills sessions and route planning, all of which are free to access. Community cycle clubs will also be set up across the country, offering training and support for volunteers to develop their own social cycling activities and rides in local communities.

The Scottish Government has a vision to see 10% of every day journeys by cycle by 2020 and The Big Bike Revival will provide support and activities to encourage more people to get cycling to help achieve this vision. Last autumn the project’s activities encouraged over 4,000 new trips by bike, of which 34% were previously car journeys; 2017 activities and events will build further on this behaviour change outcome.

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf said:

“I am delighted that the Scottish Government is once again supporting The Big Bike Revival in Scotland this year. This is an ideal opportunity for people across the country to give those old bikes sitting in the shed a new lease of life by re-discovering the joys of cycling. I would encourage everyone to go along to their nearest event and take part in the various projects that will be running over the next two months. Cycling is a wonderful way to keep fit and healthy and to spend time in our great outdoors.”

Cycling UK is also running the Big Bike Revival in England for its fourth year, having secured £1 million funding from the Department of Transport for activities and events to encourage more people to revive their love of cycling. English events will take place from 29 April – 11 June, with the project launching in Yorkshire today.

Cycling UK’s Head of Development Scotland, Suzanne Forup said:

“Cycling offers a myriad of benefits as a mode of transport. It’s cheap, fast, good for your health, benefits the environment, reduces air pollution and is lots of fun.  The success of the Big Bike Revival in autumn 2016 saw over 1,400 bikes revived and given a new lease of life, with their owners rekindling their love of their bikes and cycling for thousands of everyday trips.

“This year we’re looking forward to working with community organisations, volunteer-led groups, local businesses and charities to build on this success and inspire even more people to enjoy a bike ride to get from A to B. With four years under its belt in England and now into its second year in Scotland, the Big Bike Revival is a grassroots initiative that is supporting rural and urban communities to get cycling.”

There are hundreds of events and activities planned until mid-June. To find Big Bike Revival events near you, visit

Notes to editors

  • Images of the Big Bike Revival are available to download and use: please credit Cycling UK. 
  • The Big Bike Revival in Scotland has been awarded £450,000 funding from Transport Scotland for its second year of activities. The Big Bike Revival in England has been awarded £1 million funding for its fourth year of activities by the Department for Transport.
  • The Big Bike Revival is running from 1 May – 11 June in Scotland, with hundreds of events and activities across every local authority area. To find an event or a Big Bike Revival centre near you, visit
  • In 2016, the Big Bike Revival in Scotland ran from 19 September – 31 October.
  • A short video showcasing Big Bike Revival activities in Scotland in 2016 is available on this link:
  • One hundred groups across Scotland will be funded to deliver events and activities for participants, including bike recycling centres, community organisations, local bike shops and charities.
  • The Big Bike Revival is a Cycling UK project. Cycling UK, formerly CTC the national cycling charity, aims to inspire, encourage and help people of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy cycling more often and safely. Find out more at 

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Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0844-736-8453