What CTC members achieved in 2014
January CTC launches Play on Pedals in Glasgow, aiming to get 75,000 four-year-olds in the city riding a bike with funding from the Postcode Lottery.
February Over 12,000 people sign our Road Justice petition calling for the police to treat bad driving with the severity it deserves.
March We set up the Inclusive Cycling Network, in partnership with Cycling Projects. The network now includes over 40 centres, enabling thousands of people to take up cycling.
April The national Space for Cycling campaign is launched by CTC through the generous support of the Bicycle Association - nearly 700 councillors sign up.
May After years of pressure from CTC, the Department for Transport announces major reform of the rules governing sign design, enabling hundreds of better quality cycle facilities to be built.
June CTC organises a Road Justice debate on sentencing, with officials from the Sentencing Council, members of the legal profession and the judiciary, campaigners, road crash victims and their families in attendance.
July The country goes Tour de France crazy and CTC is in the thick of the action with an inclusive cycling session at the Grand Départ in Yorkshire and led rides to watch the race itself.
August An amazing £15,000 is raised for CTC's work by members who take part in an incredibly rainy RideLondon.
September Hundreds take part in Space for Cycling rides at party conferences; and over 3,000 CTC supporters write to the Treasury to ask for more #Funding4Cycling.
October We launch the Big Bike Revival, with sponsorship from the Department for Transport, and teach over 1,000 people how to fix their bikes.
November Nearly £60,000 is raised for cycling by the generous supporters who entered the CTC Grand Draw. CTC's call for Funding4Cycling clearly works as £214m for cycling over the next six years is announced.
December As part of a wider coalition, we campaign to see a Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy included in the Infrastructure Bill and we have a very positive meeting about changes to sentencing with Justice Secretary Mike Penning MP.
Of course, there have been many other highlights in 2014, including:
- 10,000+ events and rides organised by CTC groups;
- 120 new affiliate groups and three new CTC Member Groups welcomed aboard;
- 3,000 CTC members welcomed back into the fold; and
- £4 million won on our members' behalf through CTC's legal advice line.
In 2015, we have lots more exciting things lined up such as:
- The Big Bike Revival will reach 100,000 new cyclists;
- Pushing for an investment in cycling of at least £10 per person per year;
- Continued campaigning for Space for Cycling;
- Support for our volunteers, 130 cycling groups and 400 local campaigners;
- The revamp of Fill that Hole, our brilliant pothole reporting website; plus
- Thousands of great rides, events and tours throughout the UK and abroad.