New Year's Eve 2023

Group of people riding
Cycling UK Louth, New Year’s Eve 2023
Something a little different today, we looked forward to meeting up at Rob Cook’s for refreshments first, before a shortish ride to Aby.
A later start than usual, arriving at Rob’s at 11 am. At least this allowed the heavy early morning rain to pass through. Top temperature today 7 Degrees Celsius with showers forecast to set in by 3 pm. We had an ETA back in Louth at 2.30 pm so had hoped to stay dry.
Meeting up at Barton Gate were Tim Newbery, John Rickett, Paul Linder, Alan Hockham and Sven Livesey. Rob had very kindly provided lashings of tea and coffee along with bacon sandwiches and jam and scones. Beans on toast were also on offer. Excellent! and we all enjoyed a pre-ride chat.
Departing a little before midday, we’d emerge into brightening skies with sunny spells making for a pleasant ride along to Little Cawthorpe and up onto the ‘Top Road’ through Muckton. A headwind but manageable and we’d soon be passing our highest point of today’s ride at Meagram Top.
Evidence of the recent heavy rains were the full to overflowing ditches, drains and dykes. The Great Eau at Beleau Bridge was particularly fast flowing and muddy brown in marked contrast to its normal crystal-clear chalk stream waters.
Arriving at Aby, we’d have plenty of time for a drink at the Railway Tavern. As a club, we’d not been here for a few years so great to visit once more. We were also delighted to pass on our New Year’s Eve Greetings to Steve Croton who was (until our arrival) enjoying a pleasant meal with Kerry. Thanks to John for supplying everyone with coffee and mince pies for those who wanted.
Paul and Alan would depart to their respective homes from here whilst Tim, Sven and John continued through Authorpe to Castle Carlton. Castle Wood and its hidden motte and bailey date to the eleventh or twelfth century whilst Carlton derives its name from ceorl Old English=peasant and tūn Old English=farmstead.
Skies were darkening and by the time we were passing through Legbourne at 2 pm, showers were setting in. An hour early! You can’t trust these weather forecasters.
Arrived back into Louth at 2.30 pm having covered 37 km (Alan would clock closer to 65 km).
Thanks especially to Rob for the morning refreshments and to all for their company. Hopping to see a few back again tomorrow for the New Year’s Day ride to the Lincolnshire Wolds Railway.
Robert Burns ‘Auld Lang Syne’
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!
For auld land syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.