Claythorpe 16th July 2023

Sunday 16th July 2023

Cycling UK Louth's ride to Claythorpe:

Originally a 'Summer Picnic' ride to Snipedales but forecast inclement weather had meant that we would instead meet up at Claythorpe Watermill to take morning refreshments.

Latest weather forecasts had predicted strong winds with gusts of 35 mph, along with squally showers or thunderstorms from about 2 pm. So it was that the plan was to meet up at Claythorpe Watermill at about 10.30 to 11.00 am. Apologies had been sent from Reg Bagshaw and John Ambler but meeting up at Louth's Median Leisure Centre were Tim Newbery, John Rickett and John Weeks. Rob Cook would chose a route via the Carlton’s and Alan Hockham and Paul Linder had indicated they'd meet up at the mill.

Winds were gusty but manageable (with care) and the route would initially take the group out to Stewton and Legbourne Furze.

For some a ride through Little Cawthorpe and Muckton, for others a routing through the Carltons.

Very pleasant so far and in the end we'd all meet up at Claythorpe at about 10.30 am, although Alan and Paul had just arrived first. Hardly a soul at the venue apart from ourselves so we enjoyed a leisurely chat over mugs of coffee and cake. Paul had opted for beans on toast which looked very tasty.

Some of the outbuildings have been cordoned off for refurbishment and indeed the mill hasn't been in use operationally since the 1970's. It was originally known as 'Empire Mills' when it was built as a corn mill in 1720.

With the time approaching 11.15 am, a variety of routes would be taken for members to return home. Tim and John Rickett opted for the 'top road' via Belleau and Muckton, arriving at the leisure centre in Louth at about midday. Thanks once more to John for the coffee.

By midday local RAF stations were indeed reporting winds gusting 34-38 mph and by 2 pm, heavy showers and thunderstorms had broken out near Snipedales (heavy showers and thunderstorms would affect Louth by 3 pm).

Thanks to all for their company on this shortish Sunday ride.
