Anderby Creek 5th June 2024

Cycling UK Louth Wednesday Ride to Anderby Creek
5th June 2024
With some of us still a little weary after our long ride on Sunday, it was good to have a great turnout for today’s ride to the sunshine coast. Meeting up at Louth’s Leisure Centre were Tim Newbery, Paul Linder, Martin Wood and Rob Cook. Rob had been waiting since 09.30 am due to an administrative error by today’s Ride Leader Tim. Ooops. Steve Croton would be in waiting at Woodthorpe whilst apologies had been received from John Rickett.
We had planned to take refreshments at ‘The Vista at the Boatshed’, Huttoft but best laid plans …
Departing at 10.00 am, Stewton Lane would take us to Legbourne Furze and then a familiar route to the Carltons, Withern and Woodthorpe, a brisk backwind affording a pleasant ride. We would meet up with Steve on schedule and continued along the marsh lanes to Hagnaby and Sutton. Amongst the song of the Skylark, we’d pick out the distinctive “a little bit of bread and no cheese” call of the Yellow Hammer, a species which has sadly declined by more than 50% over the last 25 years.
On arriving at the Sandilands Promenade Cycle Route C7, an assessment was made and Rob and Paul determined it would be better to continue along Roman Bank whilst Tim, Steve and Martin continued along the sea front. Great views admittedly but it did mean carrying the bikes over a number of sand deposits. 
At Huttoft, Paul and Rob passed on the news that the ‘The Vista at the Boatshed’ was unexpectedly closed. We’d learn later that it had to be closed at very short notice due to having no running water. Steve suggested carrying on a couple more miles to the Beach Café at Anderby Creek. Very fine it was too and we enjoyed an excellent breakfast and friendly and attentive service.
Up to this point we’d only encountered the edge of a sharp shower but on departure skies looked ominously threatening. Passing through Anderby the winds became strong and gusty, temperature fell by several degrees and we prepared for a downpour. Luckily again skies soon tuned clear and blue as we made our way to the Thurlby Road.
We were soon flagged down by driver of a car saying “the bridge is closed ahead” and on arrival and following enquiries by Rob discovered that it was indeed closed to all vehicles and pedestrians, the workforce indicating that we’d need to go around. Easily done as it turned out, following Lincolnshire County Council’s Cycle Route C7 once more, this time through Cumberworth, Bonthorpe and Falresthorpe.
With the sun shining brightly and temperatures recovering to about 14 Degrees Celsius, still well below the seasonal average, we enjoyed the ride through Ailby and Aby deciding to take final refreshments at Claythorpe Watermill. We noted that the former bakery (the ‘Empire Mill’ is Grade II listed) is continuing to deteriorate and in need of a little TLC.
Steve would depart for home at this point whilst the remainder continued back to Louth playing along to 'popmaster quiz', arriving about 3.30 pm having covered 50 miles. A longer than planned distance due to a number of diversions. Many thanks to all for an enjoyable day out.
Tim's 'Relive' fly-through video