Long Isis Women’s Ride Exploring South Oxfordshire

Group of people riding
Bike Week

Event description

We’ll meet outside the Sheldonian (opposite Blackwells) at 9.45am, ready to start at 10am

Ride Leader: Jane Carlton-Smith, Isis Cyclists

Riding along Barracks Lane, we’ll head towards Horspath and can pick up people at the junction of the Ring Road and Horspath Road (diagonally opposite the Mini Plant car park). We aim to be there by 10.20am. Our destination is Preston Crowmarsh, via Cuddesdon, Little Milton, Berrick Salome and Benson. There is a short steep climb up Barracks Lane and a longer hill from Horspath up towards Cuddesdon, and walking is allowed! We’ll have lunch at the Cart Shed at Preston Crowmarsh, where a table is booked for 10 at 1pm.

If you think you might be joining us, it would be very helpful if you could contact Jane Carlton Smith (though obviously you may not decide until you see what the weather is doing). Returning via Shillingford Bridge and Dorchester, there are opportunities for wine tasting and tea, by popular vote. We then return to Oxford via Drayton St Leonard, Stadhampton and Chiselhampton. There are a few not very steep hills, unless we choose to avoid the main road and go through Cuddesdon. There is inevitably some riding on main roads, but we’ll also enjoy some quiet roads and gorgeous midsummer countryside. The ride is about 36 miles and is the first of our longer rides, leading up to the 50 mile challenge in September. Jane Carlton Smith is leading.

Ride not suitable for children or under 16s.

Route details

  • 30 mi / 48 km

Start location


48 Broad Street
United Kingdom

Date and start time

  • Saturday 15 June 2019 - 09:45

Contact details

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  • £0.0