British Cycle Quest leaderboard

There’s no better way to discover new and interesting places than by taking part in the British Cycle Quest (BCQ). The purpose of the quest is to visit all 402 checkpoints dotted throughout the UK. Visiting 402 checkpoints may be a daunting number, but it’s a challenge you’ve got the rest of your life to complete – there are no time limits.

The leaderboard shows the amazing achievements of current BCQ questers. The table shows participants, the number of checkpoints and level achieved.

Levels of award

  • Just started – One to 10 checkpoints completed
  • First level – 10 to 50 checkpoints completed
  • Second level – 50 to 100 checkpoints
  • Bronze level – 100 to 200 checkpoints
  • Silver level – 200 to 300 checkpoints
  • Gold level – 300 to 400 checkpoints
  • Platinum medal – All 402 checkpoints completed
First name Last name Checkpoints Award level Completion year
I Stuart 402 Platinum Medal 2018
A Wallace 402 Platinum Medal 2003
M Wallace 402 Platinum Medal 2003
I Weatherill 402 Platinum Medal 2012
P White 402 Platinum Medal 2012
G Wilson 402 Platinum Medal 2022
R Wilson 402 Platinum Medal 2022
S Woodward 402 Platinum Medal 2019
S Worthy 402 Platinum Medal 2016
S Worthy 402 Platinum Medal 2016
D Griffiths 392 Gold Level
S & J Bailey 361 Gold Level
M Jacobson 334 Gold Level
S & S Clark 330 Gold Level
T Styles 326 Gold Level
G Adams 325 Gold Level
P & H Muir 325 Gold Level
K Phillips 309 Gold Level
H Taylor 308 Gold Level
S Archer 302 Gold Level
B Mann 300 Gold Level
D Fox 287 Silver Level
R Clarke 274 Silver Level
J & B Smith 272 Silver Level

The answers are checked and validated by a volunteer and uploaded to the leaderboard once a month, so please be aware that there will be a delay between submitting your answers and seeing the online results.

Participants who have not handed in answers in five years will be removed from the leaderboard but can restart again at any time.