Have your say on England’s transport system

Two people with bikes are standing on a railway platform with a train going past them. They have packed rucksacks and bags and are wearing summer clothes and cycle helmets
Have your say on what would make transport better in England
The government in Westminster has launched a call for ideas to support the development of a new Transport Strategy for England. Cycling UK’s policy manager Jim Densham has written a guide to help you respond

Whether you are a seasoned cycling campaigner or new to speaking up for cycling, here’s an easy way to have your say on what you think is needed to make our transport system better. Use the document below to guide you in an online response to the government’s call for ideas.

Our transport system isn’t exactly broken but it is creaking and far from being in good health. Our roads are dominated by cars with little space for cycling, bus services are often few and far between as well as costly, and the problems of train delays are all too well known.

Transport as a sector contributes the most climate emissions, and road congestion costs the UK £31bn per year – not to mention dire statistics on air quality, road safety, transport poverty and ill health related to physical inactivity. The Labour government has a huge challenge on its hands to get England moving in a sustainable, fair and healthy way, which has people’s needs at its heart.

Government has launched a ‘call for ideas’ – a consultation where you can have your say on what needs to be improved and how different modes of transport can be more joined up and connected so that journeys are better and easier.

A guide to help you submit a response

We have produced a handy guide (available to download below) to help you send ideas to government before the deadline on 20 February.

Our guide provides bullet point ideas for answering questions on improving the ways in which we get about and suggestions for what is needed in the government’s new strategy. Using the guide will help you complete the online form which should take approximately 10-15 minutes.

Adding in your own ideas or personalising our suggested points will take a bit more time but will help make your response stand out and be more forceful.

Ministers in the new government sound like they genuinely want to improve our transport systems – but we need to make sure they know what is needed so that more people can experience the benefits of cycling. Your response to the call for ideas can help make change happen in the years and decades to come.