Fiona Kolbinger

Sporting hero
Fiona Kolbinger
First female to win Transcontinental race across Europe
The Transcontinental race across Europe is a must-do for ultra-long-distance cyclists, attracting the hardiest riders in the world. When Fiona Kolbinger lined up at the start in Bulgaria in 2019, she was an unknown, unheard-of medical student from Germany, new to the ultra-endurance circles. As such, she was hardly considered as a race favourite. Ten days, 2 hours and 48 minutes later she crossed the finish line in Brest, north west France, in first place.
After mostly catching a few hours’ sleep per night in doorways, gardens and unmanned campsites and eating most of her meals whilst riding, Fiona became the first woman to win the race. She beat second-placed Briton Ben Davies by over eight hours and third-placed Dutchman Job Hendrickx by 10 hours.
Read about her win on BBC Sport.