Audrey Christie
In 1996 and 1997, Audrey Christie took a tandem called 'Big Jack' with her partner to Cape Town, cycling through 17 countries - 10,000 miles, 17 months, but only four punctures! More recently Audrey was instrumental in setting up and leading the Durham Breeze group and her local Durham Redstarts women cycling group. She’s now been a Breeze leader for the last six years, clocking up 100 rides of various distances, as well as organising maintenance classes and weekend trips.
Audrey has also been an enthusiastic commentator on cycling and the great outdoors, sustainable travel and green lifestyles, and has been a rights of way officer for over 25 years within local government.
Audrey says, “Although I’ve cycled all my life the more recent increase and interest in women cycling has been inspirational and I’m proud to be part of it. I’ve never enjoyed cycling more.”