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The funding available for the Government's newly published Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy is still insufficient to meet its stated objectives. Cycling UK policy director Roger Geffen explains that councils and others now need to work together to ensure the money is spent as well as possible…
Search score: 9.710
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The Health and Safety Executive plead that ‘policy’ prevents the prosecution of Frys, but ignore their Protocol with the CPS and the Transport Safety Commission's recommendation that they play a greater role in the investigation of work-related road deaths. Time to take their heads out of the sand…
Search score: 9.710
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Earlier this year, the transport secretary said the government's vision for a low-carbon transport vision was one in which cycling would be normal and "we will use our cars less". With a Comprehensive Spending Review on the horizon, he and the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, now need to allocate the next five years' worth of transport funding in ways that show they mean it…
Search score: 9.710
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Planning is the most important thing when organising a charity cycle ride, particularly as novices often take part. The success of the whole day will depend on your organisation and this information aims to direct your attention to the important things you need to think about and put in place…
Search score: 9.561
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Ahead of council elections across Scotland, Wales and parts of England, and elections for the National Assembly in Northern Ireland, we set out a vision for cycling in all four nations. The morning after, our head of campaigns Duncan Dollimore looks at whether the message that it’s time to deliver, to get there with cycling and make it happen, is getting through…
Search score: 9.553
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Summer 2023 saw the long-awaited opening of a crucial new cycle path alongside the busy A602 at Sacombe in Hertfordshire. Adam Edwards, Cycling UK local campaigning rep and chair of WelHatCycling, explains how it happened – and why he will always think of the path as the ‘Jon Crosby Way…
Search score: 9.329
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With Cycling UK launching a new campaign to promote and teach the Dutch Reach, campaigns officer Keir Gallagher reflects on the role of education within Cycling UK’s wider push for safer roads The ‘learning to drive’ journey, which many of us go through in our teens or twenties, can lend…
Search score: 9.167
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This article explains why Cycling UK wants to see a far greater proportion of overall transport spending made available for cycling, walking and safer streets. (This article covers England only). How much does the Government invest in cycling and walking? When the Department for Transport (…
Search score: 9.167
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In the second of a series of blogs about the Government’s review of cycling and pedestrian safety, our policy director Roger Geffen explains why we need consistent cycle-friendly design standards, and what we mean by ‘cycle-friendly’ infrastructure In the first blog in this series, I…
Search score: 8.989
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The Police Bill has proved controversial, with many fearing it could undermine the right to protest. Meanwhile, its proposed changes to road traffic offences and sentencing have gone almost unnoticed. Cycling UK's policy director, Roger Geffen fears they could cause more problems than they solve…
Search score: 8.870