Realising a childhood dream: Freshta’s road to cycling independence

A woman is standing with her bike on a wet path in a park. She's wearing a shirt and leggings and a cycle helmet
Freshta’s story is one of resilience, determination and the fulfilment of a lifelong dream. Originally from Afghanistan, she had always dreamed of learning to ride a bicycle

“In Afghanistan, it was a childhood dream of mine to learn how to ride a bicycle,” Freshta shared, “but due to certain circumstances, I never had the chance.”

In June 2024, Freshta reached out to Inverclyde Bothy, a welcoming hub under Cycling UK’s Connecting Communities programme, to finally make that dream a reality.

First steps

Freshta’s journey began in a local park, chosen for her easy accessibility. From her first meeting with the bothy’s development officer, her determination was clear. By the end of that initial session, Freshta was pedalling independently – an impressive achievement, as most adults require several sessions to reach this stage.

Since then, the development officer has met with Freshta regularly, guiding her through the essentials of safe cycling, from starting and stopping to cornering and signalling. Each session brings Freshta closer to her goal, and she shared: 

Riding my bike makes me smile all the time


Learning to ride a bike has brought numerous benefits to Freshta. She finds joy in mastering the mechanics of cycling, such as using gears and brakes, which once seemed daunting. Cycling has become a form of exercise, a reason to get outside and a source of independence.

Freshta reflects: “It is so much fun learning something new and to have a purpose for getting out of the house. It’s a great way to exercise, and a fantastic activity. Being outside in the fresh air and feeling the wind in my hair gives me a feeling of freedom.”

Support from Inverclyde Bothy and Community Tracks

Inverclyde Bothy’s support doesn’t stop at cycling lessons. Recognising the importance of having her own bike, the Bothy partnered with Greenock-based Community Tracks, a local organisation that recycles and refurbishes bikes for the community. Thanks to their efforts, Freshta now has a bike of her own, enabling her to practise regularly and build her confidence further.

A group of four people is cycling along a seafront promenade. They're wearing a mix of cycling gear and normal clothes. Two are in hi-vis jackets. Two are wearing helmets. It's misty out at sea.
Inverclyde Bothy runs regular led rides from its Gourock station base. Photo: Andy Catlin

The bothy team is now working with Freshta to help her feel comfortable riding on quiet roads. She’s also eager to join the bothy’s organised led rides, a testament to her growing confidence and enthusiasm. With regular practice, Freshta hopes to use her bike for short journeys around her local area, expanding her newfound independence.

Inverclyde Bothy’s impact

Freshta’s story exemplifies the transformative power of the initiatives offered by Cycling UK’s Inverclyde Bothy. Part of the Connecting Communities programme, Inverclyde Bothy provides a safe, supportive environment for people of all backgrounds to experience the joys and benefits of cycling.

The bothy in Inverclyde has been instrumental in helping individuals overcome barriers to active travel, from running confidence-building sessions and bike maintenance workshops to partnering with local organisations like Community Tracks to provide affordable access to bicycles.

In 2023-24 alone, Inverclyde Bothy hosted more than 150 cycling activities and 250 health walks, attracting thousands of participants from across the community. Freshta’s journey is one example of how the bothy’s work is changing lives, promoting wellbeing and fostering a culture of active travel.

For Freshta, cycling represents more than just a new skill – it’s a step towards freedom, confidence and social connection. Her story is a powerful reminder of how initiatives like Inverclyde Bothy can make a lasting impact, helping individuals fulfil long-held dreams and explore new possibilities.

As Freshta continues her journey with the bothy’s support, she is set to inspire others to experience the joy and independence that cycling can bring.