E-Bike Positive: Zaheer Mohammed

The use of electric bikes is becoming increasingly popular and offers significant benefits to both physical and mental well-being.

Healthcare professional Zaheer Mohammed found his journey into e-bikes inspired by a local initiative set up by his employer. “I was living locally to my workplace (about 30 minutes away) but I was taking the car every day. I saw the Cycling UK-funded initiative advertised and it looked great. My job was split between two sites, and for the days I was working in the local hospital I took advantage of the summer weather and cycled in. It was a no-brainer.“

For Zaheer, the mental and logistical benefits of using an e-bike to commute stood out. 

The best thing about my experience was definitely riding in the open air. I also liked that I was perhaps encouraging others by walking into the office with the helmet on. The mental benefits were amazing.


Not only did he feel better in himself, but the convenience of avoiding parking was a significant advantage. 

The fact I could leave a little earlier, get myself active, and then not have to worry about a parking space was a huge benefit.


The experience of riding e-bikes has made Zaheer enthusiastic about continuing with e-biking: “I think we all need to be more mindful of our transport choices in general, so I’d encourage anyone interested in e-bikes to check whether there is a local scheme in their area. More and more places are offering it now, but if there were more local schemes like this, I’d absolutely use an e-bike again.”

If you can, and there is the option of cycling to work, then everyone should give it a go, even if it’s not an e-bike. Seeing collaborations and partnerships like the one from Cycling UK offering e-bikes across the country is excellent. It’s really just a case of people taking advantage of these opportunities.”

Zaheer’s e-biking experience highlights the many benefits of cycling, from boosting mental well-being to simplifying commutes. His story proves how e-bikes can positively impact people's overall lifestyle and inspire others to try this eco-friendly and healthy option. 

E-Bike Positive

E-cycling can change lives, save money, cut carbon, and boost health. Recent studies have highlighted that 1 in 4 UK adults have considered purchasing an electric bike.

Cycling UK is supporting the e-bike positive campaign, reassuring the UK public that e-bikes and batteries from reputable manufacturers are safe and provide many benefits.

To find an e-bike positive retailer or mechanic, and for more information on the e-bike positive campaign visit e-bikepositive.co.uk