E-Bike Positive: Catherine Scott

Electric bikes can give people the extra push they need to start cycling, and with benefits to both health and finances, they can be the perfect alternative to using a car.

Catherine Scott, an NHS member of staff, recently switched from a regular bike to an e-bike for her daily commutes. Her story into e-biking highlights the benefits and motivations she experienced, such as improved health and financial savings. We spoke with Catherine, who offers practical advice and valuable insights for those considering making the switch.

Catherine's introduction to e-biking began out of necessity. "I needed to make my journey easier, and using a normal bike was very tiring for me” she explains. “With a busy working day and busy family life, I was exhausted and the e-bike gave me the extra support. I now use it for my commute to work, shopping, and the school run to keep up with my kids who love their scooters."

The benefits of using an e-bike have been plentiful for Catherine’s health. "It is easier than a normal bike but still allows me to do some cardio work. In the past year, together with eating better, I’ve lost 10 pounds. I think cycling three times a week helps keep my weight down. Plus I just feel fitter too. I don’t need to shower when I get to work as I don’t break a sweat. It’s probably similar to a brisk walk rather than running, so it’s much better compared to driving"

And likewise with finances. Catherine adds:

Not using my car so much is also a good thing. I’m saving on fuel costs and not paying for parking.


Catherine highly recommends e-bikes to others, saying: “I would encourage anyone to cycle to work, if feasible. Though I recently hired an e-cargo bike for a holiday too. We had a wonderful day getting around with my two kids.”

For those thinking about trying an e-bike, Catherine offers practical advice, “it is an investment, so make sure you are using it regularly. I went for a reliable brand for durability and so far, after a year, I have had absolutely no issues whatsoever.

I can only recommend using e-bikes as part of your daily life


Catherine’s story shows how the e-bike can transform daily routines and greatly improve quality of life. By switching to an e-bike, she has found her daily commute easier, and more enjoyable. The benefits she has noticed include better health, cost savings, and a more efficient way to get around.

E-Bike Positive

E-cycling can change lives, save money, cut carbon, and boost health. Recent studies have highlighted that 1 in 4 UK adults have considered purchasing an electric bike.

Cycling UK is supporting the e-bike positive campaign, reassuring the UK public that e-bikes and batteries from reputable manufacturers are safe and provide many benefits.

To find an e-bike positive retailer or mechanic, and for more information on the e-bike positive campaign visit e-bikepositive.co.uk