Triathlon England brings in CTC, the national Cycling Charity to train ride leaders.
The CTC’s Club Leader course is a one day course aimed at competent club cyclists to give them the tools to lead a club run in perfect confidence. The first tranche of courses take place this weekend.
The club’s AGM at Loughborough University will host one of the CTC’s CL courses and see the senior Triathlon England Managers put through their paces and learn how to set up, assess and manage a club ride from CTC Senior Cycle Training Officer Greg Woodford.
There will be other ‘Club Leader’ courses this weekend for volunteer leaders taking place in Leicester, Hemel Hempstead and Kent.
Triathlon England’s National programme Manager Stefan Pearce said
“The training has been designed to free up our coaches from leading group rides in so much as our volunteer members can learn a set of skills to plan, lead, control & evaluate rides to make it more enjoyable & safe for the group
As Triathlon grows we are finding more novice riders are daunted by open road cycling having leaders who have some training gives them some reassurance on these rides.”
Notes to Editors
CTC is the UK’s largest cycling charity with 69,000 members. Established in 1878 CTC is also the oldest cycling membership body in the UK and continues to inspire and help people to cycle and keep cycling, whatever kind of cycling they do or would like to do. Over a century’s experience tells us that cycling is more than useful transport; it makes you feel good, gives you a sense of freedom and creates a better environment for everyone. Visit
Senior Media and Communications Officer Laura Raymond 01483 238315 or 07960 349405
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Senior Media and Communications Officer Laura Raymond 01483 238315 or 07960 349405