CTC’s award-winning volunteers 2014

Doreen Lindsey, CTC Volunteer of the Year for Wales
CTC is made up of thousands of volunteers, who give their time to organise rides, campaign to make our roads and trails better and encourage more people to experience the joys of cycling. Every year CTC honours those to make us who we are

Volunteers are the beating hearts of the charity world. For CTC, they offer great support, much needed capacity and an infectious enthusiasm that overflows to create a warm, friendly and vibrant charity. That's why we like to take time out every year to shine the spotlight on volunteering, and on volunteers who our members have nominated for CTC Volunteer of the Year awards.

David Ackerley – CTC Volunteer of the Year 2014  and North West England winner

David Ackerley from Chester & North Wales CTC is noted for his support of events, putting in countless hours behind the scenes to ensure a great day of cycling.  Celebrating the local group's 75th Anniversary Rides, his organisational skills really came to the fore, from the catering to speeches David made everything run so smoothly. During the year, he also produced an historic book about Chester & North Wales CTC which was of real interest to cyclists and others locally. He also leads the editorial charge with the production of The Link, the Chester & North Wales CTC magazine.

Annette Covey – Runner up National Volunteer of the Year 2014 and South East England winner

Annette is a key part of the Surrey Wheels For All team, helping people with disabilities learn to ride bikes. as well as dedicating her time, skill and patience to give people of all ages confidence to cycle. She works tirelessly to promote the sessions and get more people involved. She is loved very much by the people who come along to the rides at the Sheerwater Track in Woking. She has an incredible amount of patience and skill in making sure cycling is accessible to all. 

Doreeen Lindsey – 3rd place and Wales winner

Doreen Lindsey wins Wales Volunteer of the Year, having worked particularly hard in support of Chester and North Wales CTC and its members.  She worked tirelessly to revive the weekly Thursday rides of the Eryri group in difficult terrain for cycling, promoted CTC's work at a festival of cycling, and was commended by colleagues for her capacity to see a problem and to offer a solution, as well as to travel large distances to support group events and activities.

Roy Watson – CTC Campaigning Achievement of The Year 2014

Roy scooped this award for his services to cycling in Birmingham, in particular his development and production of a new map illustrating the potential for cycling tourism in the city. His dogged determination and positive practical approach to creating and presenting the evidence to local decision makers is what helped him to win the award.

New Forest Cycling Week Group – CTC Voluntary Group of the year 2014 

The New Forest Cycling Week was originally run as a Portsmouth CTC event but as it grew, it became a CTC Member Group in its own right. Last year, it celebrated its 40th birthday and continues to thrive, thanks to the efforts of volunteers such as Carole Russell. Carole looks after the group’s finances, as well as organising the bookings – a very time-consuming and complicated task (now done via Avon Tyrell). She attends the rally every year with members of her extended family, including her daughter and several grandchildren. She can usually be found enjoying a ride through the forest towing a small child or two in a trailer or escorting them on their own bikes, so encouraging the next generation of cyclists – the small babies have now become teenagers who still enjoy meeting friends old and new at the rally every year and spending a week in the fresh air.

CTC Voluntary Group of the year 2014 Runner up

Ayrshire CTC  provides a wide range of cycling activities throughout the year for all abilities, including a well-attended regular Ladies’ ride and the ‘Thursday 10s’, shorter rides to encourage beginners. The group also has history rides, weekends away and produces ‘Saddlebag’, a twice-yearly newsletter.

CTC Voluntary Group of the year 2014 Third place

Redditch and Bromsgrove CTC is a group of enthusiastic CTC members led mainly by Patricia Bradshaw as Secretary. Pat was very diligent and thorough in organising this newly formed group. Unfortunately, Roy Eaton, the group’s founding Treasurer and friend to many, was taken seriously ill in the midst of this activity and sadly passed away in January 2015. Despite this bitter blow, the group continues to go from strength to strength with a well-thought out website and a large programme of activities. There are at least three rides a week for all abilities and all-day rides at the weekend.

Congratulations to all the winners on their well-deserved success!

If you would like to become a CTC volunteer please contact your local group or find out more on our volunteering page