Wold Newton 9th June 2024

Cycling UK Louth Sunday Ride to Wold Newton
9th June 2024.
Ride Report - John Rickett:
There were only two takers for the ride to Wold Newton. Paul Linder and John Rickett decided, shortly after 09.30 am, that no-one else wanted to ride with them so set off in the direction of Brackenborough. A fairly stiff wind from the west made the going a bit slow in places. Nevertheless it was flat until the pair reached the Grainsby Estate and then noticed on the sat-navs that Tim had deviously included Grainsby Hill. With that negotiated, the rewards of a table groaning under an array of cakes, was a welcome sight. There were plenty of other cyclists enjoying the fayre but seating was found and a brief rest taken.
Lulled into a false sense of security that the second half of the route would lead straight up to Salters Lane and then turn to go downhill at either the Utterby or North Ormsby junctions, the pair were a bit puzzled to see that a right turn at Salter's Lane had been pre-planned. Oh well, it means we go to The Kelstern Memorial and then back to the downhill bit. Not so, at the memorial another right turn was being displayed. Both sat-navs were checked and indeed were showing the same thing - the undulating path through Kelstern village and Calcethrope had been quietly introduced by someone who had no intention of riding it!
Unfazed, the Bluestone Heath road was reached and a few miles further on, the turn downhill to Hallington and return to Louth.
All completed in the dry despite a forecast which showed rain was possible. For Paul, who had ridden in from Alford, the mileage was around 64, for John considerably less at 41.