Wing Camping Weekend 21st-24th May 2021

Wing Camping Weekend (Rutland Water)

21st-24th May 2021

Report by Rob Cook:

After a tumultuous night of wind and rain on the Friday, Saturday began with a very cool north-westerly wind but dry. Starting away at 10.15 a.m. and heading for Uppingham, we tentatively cycled with one eye on heavy grey skies. By 11.25 a.m. and after quite a number of stiffish climbs, we arrived not expecting anything but one Costa Coffee outlet and possibly a bakery cafe. What a pleasant surprise we had. Six pubs and more establishments serving food and drink than we could count. In addition, a pleasing town with 17th century architecture and many interesting historical facts to learn. A place worth investigating on foot, which we did for about half an hour after coffee and cake at Don Paddy's.

It being only 12.25 when we departed for Rockingham, we stopped on the way at Gretton to look at the weir and fish pass. The whole valley was lush and green and everywhere wild flowers were blooming. Slim black bullocks grazed lazily in the flood plain of the river Welland as the day began to brighten slightly. Later we arrived at Rockingham and again were surprised to happen upon a magnificent public house with a tea house right next door, 'The Barn Tea Room at Rockingham'. Here we stopped for lunch. Bacon butties washed down with tea in a converted barn set us up for the onward journey to North Luffenham via the splendid viaduct at Harringworth.

A promised ice cream near the Giant cycle shop on Rutland Water was the culmination of an ad hoc route, around half of which was the Event Route which would be followed by Tim, the next day. We had come across red arrow signs all day which had been positioned in readiness for the 53 mile Rutland Epique Short ride which Tim would attempt.

Arriving at Wing campsite well before 4.30, the sun began to peep out from behind heavy clouds. A brief, warm spell provided a sufficient opportunity to heat up MRE rations and brew up before clouds again darkened and a light shower made the previously dried grass, wet again. At least, the wind was light and a calm night was envisioned prior to the next day's urgings...
