Whit Sunday Ride 28th May 2023

Group of people riding

Cycling UK Louth Whit Sunday Ride

28th May 2023.

Ride Report from Rob Cook:

Today, dawned cloudy and considerably cooler than the previous days. The forecast temperature high at 15°c felt more like 12°c in the N/E, 26km wind.

At the Leisure Centre, Alan, John Ambler and Rob were the only starters for the ride. No specific ride leader or route had been arranged but Alan was prepared to lead on a route into the Wolds via Little Cawthorpe and had everything down on his Garmin. In any case, John was a little doubtful about his ability to venture too far and Rob was happy to go along any suggestion.

So, turning away at Little Cawthorpe towards the road leading upwards and crossing the A16, a surprising number of trees had been cut down. So many, in fact, that the familiar climb formerly under heavy shade because of trees, took on a look which surprised all three. So much so, that even the ascent seemed different.

The was a strong scent of wild garlic too and the bareness of the hillside exposed sets of steps and tracks to walk. Parked cars on the roadside indicated the popularity of the wooded hillside to dog owners.

Rob stopped to take a photograph as Alan and John disappeared over the brow of the hill. Joining them a few minutes later, Rob observed the pair deep in conversation before crossing the busy A16 road.

After crossing, it was not long before a downhill section saw John hurtling ahead, followed by Alan. Alas, a huge cracking sound indicated that someone had a problem.

Alan has experienced some bad luck in recent weeks. A puncture, hitting a pothole which had caused him to fall, putting his heel through an electrical point on his e-bike, had all occurred within the past two weeks. Today, it was another puncture and not one which could easily be fixed. The tyre was not just punctured but torn.

This occurred at the bottom of a long incline. John, who had raced ahead, was oblivious. It fell to Rob to pursue John up the hill to get him to stop but John was already almost halfway up. Alan, meantime, surveyed the extent of his problem.

John did stop to look back and Rob waved frantically. This, John took to mean everything was fine so turned to continue, not stopping until he reached the top. His electric machine climbed superbly, leaving Rob to continue to slog up manually, eventually arriving breathlessly to update him of the situation. A return to the bottom of the hill was unfortunately necessary only to be informed upon arrival by Alan that he could not continue. He needed to summon assistance from his daughter at home to return.

Thus, Rob was now the ride leader!

A new route via Burwell was decided upon quickly and once there, a pleasant ride to Alford. The pair arrived and the town was in full swing. The ever popular Alford Craft Market, with it's many stalls had attracted plenty of people. The strong smell of bacon butties from a stall near the Manor House immediately alerted John's olfactory senses. Being the Club's official bacon butty examiner, it was necessary for an inspection to be carried out at once and a tasting to take place.

As luck would have it, Alan was spotted almost upon arrival, having made his way by car.

The route across wold and marsh had been particularly enjoyable. With lush greenery and fields of contented bovine, huge yellow swathes of oilseed rape heaved and waved like an ocean in the wind. Hedgerows were high and birdsong loud and sweet. England in summer is a particular pleasure and never more so than when walked or cycled. Everything is sensed. Sweet smelling wild flowers, the sound of birds and the sight of everything growing in profusion. The Lincolnshire countryside of the Wolds is a designated area of outstanding natural beauty and rightly so.

After stopping for a break, sitting outside in the garden of the Alford Manor House, John's testing of the art of bacon butty…ing, was carried out with due seriousness. It was notable that his usual award was not forthcoming. This did not mean failure, merely that it required some deliberation before a final assessment could be made. Results at a later date!

Suitably refreshed, the pair continued towards Willoughby, turning right through the hamlet of Well to cross the A1104 for the onward journey through Rigsby. The high road offers expansive views across the marshes towards the coast and a stop to admire it could not be missed.

Ups and downs followed on a cross-country journey through largely flat lanes via Authorpe, Great Carlton and Legbourne. The final few miles ended by cycling almost the full length of Stewton Lane, the pair bidding each other adieu at Wood Lane....