Wednesday Wander to Claythorpe 8th May 2024

Wednesday Wander 8th May 2024

Turning up at Louth’s Leisure Centre were Rob Cook, Martin Wood, Paul Linder and Tim Newbery. All having chosen shorts were briefly wondering if it was the right decision as it was initially a little chilly under grey leaden skies. However, we had been promised warm sunshine later in the morning with top temperatures of 18 Degrees Celsius,  20 achievable further inland.

With Sven and Martin having cycled north to Waltham last Sunday, Paul suggested a ride southwards for our first visit this year to Claythorpe Watermill, hopefully sitting outside in the sunshine.

Outbound, we enjoyed a route through Little Cawthorpe and Muckton and the climb up to Meagram Top. Birdsong was a real tonic with the unmistakable trill, whistles, warbles and fizzing sounds of the Skylark most noticeable.

With time to spare, Paul took us on a detour along Greenfield Land to Saleby where a short section of the Alford Road would lead us to Claythorpe via the equally attractive Rye Lane past Galley Hill and Mother Wood. 

We met up with another cyclist who was also going to the Mill having ridden from Alford but there were only a few visiting this morning. Perfect then to sit in the grounds in what was now brilliant sunshine from clear blues skies.

Paul departed for home whilst Martin, Rob and Tim returned via Authorpe and the Carltons noting a Roe Deer darting across the road ahead of us. Deer seem to be increasing in number as sightings become commonplace.

Returned back to Louth a little after 1 pm having covered nearly 50 km (30 miles).

Many thanks to all for the company.

Tim’s ‘fly through ’video: