Tetney and Claythorpe

Cycling UK Louth ride to Tetney and Claythorpe. Sunday 29th May 2022.

Weather forecasters had warned of temperatures significantly below average in a strong and gusty NE wind, not aided by a scattering of showers!

Rewarding then to see a respectable contingent meeting up with Ride Leader Tim Newbery at Louth’s Meridian Leisure Centre. Great to see John Rickett back from his participation in the Newark Castle Sportive and good to see John Ambler back from various visits away. Rob Cook also joined us, fresh from his exploits cycling across to Burnley (quite an adventure), whilst Chris Owen and Paul Linder had both cycled into Louth from home. Alan Hockham was looking forward to a largely flat ride.

On departure skies looked foreboding, a scattering of showers already causing a dampening of the ground not to mention the riders. Wet weather gear had to be donned and discarded several times by the time we had reached Fulstow, Paul by now having mastered the intricacies of his waterproof trousers.

With the temperature having risen from 8 degrees to 9 degrees, we arrived at Norburn’s Coffee Shop ready for hot drinks and something to eat. The staff looked a little alarmed at the seven of us entering, having pointed out that this was their last day of operation. Mr Norburn senior was retiring. The good ladies never the less rallied round and we all enjoyed the hospitality.

John Ambler would need to depart early whilst the remainder headed to Tetney Lock for a photocall. By now the weather was improving nicely and after waving cheerio to Chris on his homeward journey, a splendid ride was enjoyed along the narrow twisting small marsh lanes of the ‘West End’, Swancroft and Skidbrooke. A short breather was taken whilst enjoying the view of St Botolph’s Church across the field.

The brisk tail wind pushed us forever southwards and it wasn’t long before we passed through Tothill and Authorpe, arriving at Claythorpe Water Mill for lunch on schedule at around 2 pm. Paul would leave us here for his homeward route and we hoped he had enjoyed the day out.

Final leg back to Louth along the ‘Top Road’, a bit of a push required for the hill to Belleau and Meagram Top. Arriving into town at around 3.30 pm the Louth contingent had covered 50 miles, the temperature by now a dizzy 12 degrees with pleasant spells of sunshine. This was Alan’s longest ride for 2 years. Many thanks to all for their company.
