Tetney 30th November 2022

Group of people riding

Wednesday Wander to Tetney


The fog and drizzle of the last few days had finally cleared and skies were even brightening a little for our Wednesday Wander to Manning's Cafe at Tetney.

Meeting up at Louth's Leisure Centre were John Rickett, Paul Linder, Stephen Croton and Tim Newbery. Departing on schedule at 10 am

the ride continued through Brackenborough and Covenham St. Mary. We looked out for Reg Bagshaw only to be ambushed a littler further along the route at Covenham St. Bartholomew.

A respite at Grainsby Holme gave time to view the chalk streams criss-crossing the Out Holme (Old Norse holmr =“islet”) and in the distance, the woodlands masking Tetney Blow Wells.

The group arrived at Tetney Golf Club exactly on time at 11 am and there were a number already in residence enjoying fine fayre. Thanks to James for the friendly welcome.

Our return journey would take us to Tetney Lock (no stopping at the Crown and Anchor today!) and a deviation from the published route to take us instead to Grainthorpe and Fen Lane. This would avoid doubling back through the Covenham's.

Bidding farewell to Reg at Yarburgh we pedalled on to Brackenborough where road debris resulted in a flat rear tyre for Paul. Expertly dealt with, Tim and Paul were soon enjoying hot drinks back at the Leisure Centre, before Paul continued home to Alford.

Temperatures had now risen from a rather chilly 4 degrees to a balmy 7 degrees.

Many thanks to all for another fine day out.