Tetney 19-11-2023

Group of people riding
Cycling UK Louth Sunday Ride to TETNEY 19-11-2023:
The weather would play a big part in our ride today; strong gusty winds had already set in and with a forecast of showers or longer periods of rain from about 12 noon a decision was made to change our destination from Cleethorpes to Tetney. At least it was pleasantly mild with a predicted top temperature of 13 Degrees Celsius.
Meeting up with today’s Ride Leader Tim Newbery at the Magna Vitae Meridian Leisure Centre in Louth were Paul Linder and Rob Cook (sporting shorts!). A number of other members had already sent their apologies.
The outbound route would take us through Brackenborough and the Covenhams, the brisk sou’wester aiding our continued journey through Fulstow and Double Tunnel Bridge. Rob would spot a Buzzard on the bordering field and hedgerow, probably having pinned a tasty morsel to the ground, whilst we listened to the distinctive psithurism in the trees.
We were soon blown along the lanes into Tetney village where Paul would stop at the local stores and Rob had the opportunity to chat with an acquaintance.
Arriving at Manning’s Café at Tetney Golf Club around 11.15 am, we were grateful to James for having put on the griddle for welcome bacon or egg baps. Thanks to Rob for gifting us hot drinks and to Paul for the chocolate biscuits.
On return to Grainsby Holme we had a choice of a ride to Wold Newton or a retracing of our outbound route. With skies darkening and the threat of showers or rain seemingly increasing, we decided on the latter. Indeed, by the time we arrived back at the Leisure Centre at 1 pm showery rain had started, so perhaps the right decision was made.
25 miles for the Louth contingent whilst Paul would clock up closer to 50 miles. Thanks to Paul for the final cup of coffee.
