
Sunday 2nd May 2021

Cycling UK Louth ride to Tetney

A new venue for us to try out today, Roy’s Par-Vilion over at Tetney Golf Course, as suggested by Chris Owen.

Once again it turned out to be a particularly chilly morning, Tim recording zero degrees in his garden at dawn. However, we had been promised by the good people at the Meteorological Office light winds and for once, these turning westerly. The downside was that showers were due to develop, some heavy with hail from about 1 pm.

Joining Tim Newbery at the Meridian Leisure Centre in Louth were John Ambler, Mike Gray, Rob Cook, Alan Hockham and Chris Owen who had cycled in from Cleethorpes. Reg Bagshaw had pre-arranged to meet up with us at Covenham and apologies had been sent by John Rickett.

With spirits riding high we set off with the sunshine blazing down from clear blue skies and made our way through Brackenborough, past Little Grimsby Grange and northwards to the Covenham’s. Keeping an ever-watchful eye out for Reg, we eventually spotted him at Millbrooke Cottage and we welcomed him into our fold. A total now of seven - an excellent turnout.

An uneventful, pleasant ride through Fulstow and Tetney, arriving at the Golf Course almost exactly on schedule a little before 10.45 am. The group had been in contact with Lisa and she gave us all a warm welcome and we enjoyed hot cups of tea and coffee, and for some rather fine bacon baps. We were fortunate to be sitting in the shelter from the breeze, still bathed in warm sunshine.

Fully ‘fueled’ time to make our way, slowly, to the Lincolnshire Wolds. Chris would leave us at Waltham to make his way home and he clocked up an impressive 41 miles on his return. For the rest of us it was a journey through Brigsley, over the bridge at Waithe Beck and the steady climb up to the Asby cum Fenby roundabout on the A18.

Time now to take a breather and admire the picturesque scenery of East Ravendale and the lane meandering through Wold Newton. Tim stopped briefly at the lane leading to the ‘Clickem Inn’ but as by now he was by himself and behind the group determined that a stop at the Queen’s Jubilee Bench at North Ormsby was the preferred option. Indeed, by the time Tim caught up with everyone, Rob was already sitting on the bench enjoying his picnic lunch.

Having enjoyed a good deal of sunshine up to now, the temperature having risen to the predicted 12 degrees Celsius, skies were steadily darkening and showers loomed into sight and a decision was made to continue on our journey back into Louth via Utterby and Little Grimsby.

We bade farewell to Mike at Fairfield Industrial Estate with the remainder arriving back into town a little before 2 pm having covered nearly 36 miles, and just as the showers started in earnest with winds gusting to 30 mph. Many thanks to all for the company and support. For some it was the first hilly ride for several months. A great effort.
