Rides Meeting 23-11-0202

Group of people riding

Rides Meeting and a short ride - Wednesday 23rd November 2022.

The scheduled pre-meeting ride was a washout, as had been predicted. So it was that the machinations of deciding our routes for the next three months commenced at 10.30 am, indoors. (Reminder to Tim to replace the front door bell battery, apologies Reg!)

Watch this space for the publication of a varied programme of rides and events to take us through to the end of February. Many thanks to all who could make the meeting and for their deliberations and offers to lead.

Steve had brought his bike across in the possibility of a ride following the meeting and Tim was pleased to accompany him on the short ride to Mimi’s Mission Café at Manby.

Departing at 1 pm, the cloud was steadily clearing and with a brisk westerly wind we enjoyed the potter along Stewton Lane, following the course of the beck and old railway line. It is difficult to believe that this was once a busy main-line. Furze Lane would then take us to Legbourne before turning off to Little Carlton and Manby’s Mimi’s Mission Café (the former gatehouse of RAF Manby which closed in 1974).

Having already consumed a slice of lemon sponge, coffees sufficed at Mimi’s Café. Thanks to Steve. Mimi’s were advertising ‘festive’ buns, mulled wine, mince pies, cakes and yet more cakes on Sunday 27th November! Very tempting.

Returning via South Cockerington and Keddington, the low angle sunshine and wet roads necessitated caution but the ride was uneventful. Interesting to note that there was quite a force of water flowing through the Louth Navigation at Ticklepenny Lock.

At 25 km, a short route, but enough for a breath of fresh air.

