Ride report for 5th September

Saturday 5 September   East Stour to Cranborne


Clear blue skies and a slight N/W wind greeted us this morning as we assembled at the Udder Farm Shop.

Today’s entries were Bill and Ben – no, not the Flowerpot Men, Ron, Mary, Lorraine, Richard, Roger, Jill, Caroline and Ken (half a day each as usual) plus TCP.

Cling-ons were Jenny - who is always far too busy on Saturdays with golf, tennis, swimming and will most likely take up sky diving soon!!

AND Jim – he never rides with us on Saturday either. When asked for his excuse, he just responded – ‘no excuse, just not going’. Well, he is over 80 after all. Bless him!

Major David arrived in civvies and on two legs instead of 2 wheels. As usual he imparted a little of his vast knowledge to the attentive group – some fell asleep!

Richard and Lorraine set off 15 minutes ahead of us in order to get a good start up the hills. On leaving East Stour, they hoovered up Jill and Roger making it a lead group of 4 – if my maths is correct.

After a blistering start for the 5 of us, we picked up Caroline at Bedchester crossroads then climbed the long hill out of Sutton Waldron to the top of the ridge with much panting and perspiration. The club had not tackled this hill for 3 years – by the grumbling in the ranks it will be another 3 year gap before we repeat it!

God was not smiling on us today, as 3 unshipped chains, a pesky slipping gear mechanism and a rather badly ‘snaked’ rear tyre slowed our progress.

Ron threw in the towel after the Tarrant Valley, returning home early to watch the first mountain stage of a bike race – Yes, it’s the Tour de France, 2 months late!

 We finally arrived at Cranborne Garden Centre a tad late due to the aforementioned holdups and found the cost of food had skyrocketed since lockdown, with soup, chips and tea commanding a £12 price tag!!

However, we all sat outside at a large table and proceeded to have a damned good natter for the next hour.

Some of our more energetic members were disappointed today as they could not partake in the weekly ‘wasp swatting competition’. It appears that very few wasps frequent garden centres.

Following our bon repas (good meal) Mary returned home alone into a headwind - her musical commitments were calling again.

For Caroline now read Ken, as he substituted for the homeward leg

Good old Roger was bullied into fronting the ride back home as he was the only one able to read a map without the aid of glasses.

Returning via the Gussages and across the main Salisbury road, we entered Farnham, then started climbing the long, long, long slog up to Compton Abbas  - with me grimly hanging on Jill’s back wheel!  Even Roger was heard to mutter ‘she’s doing well today’


Arriving at Compton Abbas airfield, Lorraine and Richard decided to tarry awhile for food and drink, while Bill and Ben, Jill and Roger and myself headed west for Marnhull and beyond.


Thanks to all my trusty companions today for their humour, dedication and -------- I’ve forgotten the third thing would you believe.




PS        The clubs solo intrepid mile eater Mike Pain only managed a measly 58 miles today.

             It’s about time he rode with us.  Jill managed a year’s best of 65. 

PPS      Major David has kindly volunteered to front next weeks ride AND write the report … yippee! 

PPPS   Mike Pain redeemed himself on Sunday, 128 miles  -  all is forgiven Mike!

