Ride report for 10th October

Henstridge to Cattistock 10 October 2020


                After last weeks weather washout, cyclists came pouring out of the woodwork in a steady stream until there were 17 bikes outside the Golf and Leisure Club. As Mary later remarked  -  ‘almost all of the active club members’.

Entries for today were Richard, Lorraine, Jackie, Martin, Bill, Ben, Alan, Paul, Ron, Caroline, Mary, Ed, David WM, Jill, Roger and the leader.

Only one cling on today – Alison had to dash straight back to her manicured garden as it couldn’t look after itself.

After playing musical chairs forever, 3 tables were filled outside -  always following the stringent Covid 19 rules and individually filling the attendance register while food and drink was provided.

Bang on 10.30 after the obligatory photo shoot (Caroline failed to make it as she was powdering her nose as usual), we set off, taking many minutes to slot into the 6-6-4 formation.

Richard (whose body fails to function properly below 10 degrees) and Lorraine were attached to the rear group as they planned on having a picnic somewhere on the way.

The tried and tested route took us via the Caundles then cross country to Bailley Ridge.

With the enforced distancing playing havoc with our normally smooth progress, we were yo-yoing about a bit (Ben is familiar with this), so Ron was sent back to perform his sheep dog role – round up the groups and point them in the right direction – he tried hard but failed!   We were still up beat at this point.

The feeling soon changed to mutiny as the ride leader completely lost his marbles for a split second, missing the turn down into Leigh. Loud shouts of complaints prompted a swift U turn after putting in a couple of extra miles. More unprintable comments were heard before things settled down again.

The rest of the ride to lunch was almost uneventful except for the loss of Bill, Jackie and Ed on the wrong side of the very busy A37. For my sins, I performed the sheep dog role this time.

Ron returned home somewhere on this section as the Giro (tour of Italy) was on telly.

We finally reached the Fox and Hounds pub at 1.00pm. Ken crept in 20 minutes later as usual – he would be swapping with Caroline for the return leg – again as usual.

Fumbling for our face masks we finally entered, sitting at our reserved tables

Lunch was a long affair, in fact a VERY, VERY long affair. Drinks arrived promptly but the food didn’t

We finished at 2.50, the second longest lunch stop in the clubs living memory!!

A democratic vote produced an almost unanimous decision to return by the way we arrived  - due to the very hilly planned route – having to climb so soon on full stomachs.

Jackie decided to return home with Caroline in the 4 wheeled chariot as she was having an off day and blaming me, or was this due to an extra large Cream Tea event yesterday afternoon??

The ride home proceeded at a respectable rate with Ken replacing Caroline in the bunch

Nothing further to report except that we all split up as usual nearer home


                After the inexcusable cock ups by the leader, the ride home was trouble free, the bikes performing perfectly with no punctures or mechanicals -  and no more fist fights. A long day out - I got home around 5pm!

                Thanks to all riders – it was an absolute pleasure riding with you – Honest!


The leader withholds his identity until the next ride report, probably in the new year.  Byeee


PS  I later learned that Richard and Lorraine had a lovely picnic in the sun on a bench outside Chetnole Church. THEY got home at a respectable 3 pm!