New Year's Day 2022

New Year's Day 2022

With the weather being remarkably mild for a New Year's Day (although in the end falling a good 2 degrees Celsius short of the record hefre in Lincolnshire), all looked set for a great morning’s ride.

Keeping Tim Newbery company were Rob Cook (in shorts!) and Alan Hockham (Happy Birthday Alan!). We would also look forward to meeting up with Reg Bagshaw who had indicated that he would meet up with us en-route.

Leaving Louth on schedule at 10 am our route took us to Stewton and after a short section of the B1200 to Legbourne Furze, a right-hand turn towards Legbourne and the Carltons. Brilliant sunshine and temperatures approaching 13 degrees buoyed our spirits and it was Rob who first spotted a buzzard, these magnificent birds of prey becoming increasingly common. A sighting of the elusive Reg soon followed and it was good to have his company after an absence of several weeks.

It wasn't long before we were passing through Grimoldby and Reg led us around the back lanes of South Cockerington. We all enjoyed a pleasant chat whilst continuing onto historic Alvingham. The village is mentioned in the Domesday Book as "Aluingeham", meaning "Homestead of the Ælfingas and the splendid village sign alludes to the importance of the two churches and Gilbertine Priory as well as the watermill and forge.

Some poor quality road surfaces and dangerous kerbs on the approach to Yarburgh caused a few issues and with a strong headwind, Reg bade us farewell for a return home. Glad you made it back safely Reg.

The remainder plodded back to Louth and the provision of mince pies and mugs of coffee at 'Cafe Faraday' seemed to go down well.

Thanks to all for the company. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
