Ludford and Wold Newton 09-10-2022

Cycling UK Louth Ride to Ludford and Wold Newton. Sunday 9th October 2022.

Many thanks to John Rickett for leading today’s ride up and over the hills to Ludford and Wold Newton.

Thanks too for his report on an enjoyable day out in the sunshine …

“There were just the four of us, Rob having sent a message yesterday (about the possibility of missing out on the ride).

Reg … set off in the reverse direction to eventually meet up with us, which he did shortly after we had left Wold Newton. He said he was going to ride to the village hall and then return home.

Keith rode with us as far as Ludford but then needed to get home quicker than the planned route would allow so went his own way.

The weather gods smiled on us yet again and we had no incidents.

The Wold Newton ladies were as welcoming as usual - we were spoilt for choice for cakes. Again we sat enjoying the refreshments in the sunshine”.
