A January Ride to Mablethorpe

Cycling UK Louth Ride to Mablethorpe.

Tim Newbery was having a rare day off from leading club rides. Luckily for all of us, we would enjoy a superbly sunny and very mild day. Spells of heavy rain had cleared by 9 am and didn’t return until 4 pm … cleverly arranged by Tim of course!

Thanks to Chris Owen for today’s ‘Official Ride Report’

“Only Chris and John Rickett were at the Leisure Centre at 10 am, setting off 10.05 on the prescribed route, hoping to see Reg en-route near South Cockerington. No sign of him on this occasion. Arrived at Mablethorpe at 11.20 because of a stiff following wind. John kindly bought coffee and cake. Quite a few of the cafés were closed but one on the right of the ramp (the Beach Café) was open with plenty of space inside. Travelled back the way we came but at Three Bridges took the quiet back road to Great Carlton. Arrived back at Louth approx. 1.30 pm”.

Chris clocked up 37 miles with Tim a little less at 36. Glad everyone had an enjoyable day out.

Next week it’s the Brass Monkey Flying Meeting and Donna Nook!