Farmer Brown's Ice Cream Parlour

Sunday 25th April 2021

Cycling UK Louth ride to Farmer Brown’s Ice Cream Parlour

It’s always tempting fate planning a ride to an ice cream parlour, especially in April in Lincolnshire when the weather can be so fickle. Indeed, after enjoying sunny skies and warm sunshine for most of the week, today was set to turn much cloudier, cooler and windier.

Joining today’s Ride Leader Tim Newbery were John Rickett, John Ambler, Chris Owen, Mike Gray, Rob Cook and Reg Bagshaw. Tim had devised a route that had options of drink stops on the outward and return legs but upon enquiring, the majority declined the chance of an initial stop at Claythorpe Water Mill. In the end it would just be Rob Cook who would indeed enjoy the delights of supping a cuppa in the sunshine at Claythorpe, whilst the remainder would continue to Belleau Bridge and the route to Saleby. We had meanwhile met up with Alan Hockham at Meagram Top and we were pleased to have had his company.

So far so good, the sun was still shining brightly and after a chilly start with the thermometer registering only 7 degrees, it was now a balmy 9 degrees. The downside was that the NE’ly breeze was picking up making the journey through Goose Field a little more challenging. Amiable chat helped the miles go by and we bade farewell to Reg at the Alford Road, before continuing onwards to Saleby and Markby.

A much promised 5-minute break was taken at the church of St Peter's (one of England's rare thatched churches, and the only one in Lincolnshire) and then just a few miles more to Huttoft and Farmer Brown’s.

Not long after our arrival Rob Cook re-joined the happy bunch and hot drinks and snacks were enjoyed sitting at the benches nicely sheltered from the keen wind. Tim very much enjoyed the lemon meringue pie whilst John Ambler fought his way through a slice of carrot cake, the cling film wrapping initially putting up quite a fight.

By now a large bank of cloud had spread inland from the North Sea and it was time to be on the move once more. Chris would return by the same route back whist the remainder would embark on the scheduled route to Beesby and Woodthorpe. Looking skyward we noted at least one glider circling overhead, presumably originating from Strubby airfield.

Although we hadn’t travelled much of a distance another warming cup off coffee went down well at Woody’s Bar and Restaurant. From here we would bid farewell to John Rickett and Alan Hockham.

The cloud was now thick enough to produce a few light outbreaks of rain (rather unexpectedly) so we were glad of a little more help from a back wind through the Carlton’s. Reg had very kindly informed Tim that the road from here through to the cross roads at Manby had been recently redressed and indeed the loose gravel was thickly covering the road in some sections.

The last leg proved uneventful and the Louth contingent arrived back about 2.15 pm having covered 35 miles and with the temperature now up to 10 degrees. The club’s longest ride of the year (admittedly it’s only our third ride this year!). Many thanks to all for the company.